The Day After

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Scarlett’s POV

I can remember everything. Every movement. Every sound. Every voice. Every touch. Or at least I think I do. I pulled the covers over my face. Why did I do that? I’ve only been dating Harry for like a couple days and now I have sex with him! I wish I could undo all I did last night; but I can’t. I sighed at the fact that I will have to live with my stupidly. All I hope is that nothing wrong will happen from last nights doings. But to be honest the hangover was karma. After a minute of staying motionless. I decided to get my lazy butt up. And so I yanked the covers off my torso and began to raise my body. But when I sat up a sharp pain came to my…down south area so I flopped back down on the bed. In the process my hand ended up hitting the person next to me in the chest. And the person was none other than Harry. He then groaned and pulled me closer to him as if I was a teddy bear.

“Stop that,” Harry mumbled in his sleep, he began to snore softly. I giggled slightly as I turned around to face him. He looked like a fallen angel. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. Maybe Harry and I having sex isn’t that bad after all. We both stayed like that for a while. Our bare bodies intertwined.

“Morning,” I heard Harry whisper softly as I opened my eyes.

“Morning,” I reply softly.  Harry’s green eyes are slightly darker than normal. A small smirk was plastered on his lips.

“You did pretty good for your first time.” Harry winked as he looked down at me. A slight blush rose on my cheeks.

“You aren’t so bad yourself” I smiled back at him. Then a sudden thought hit me.

“Harry, by any chance did you…ummm…put on a condom?” I questioned my face the color of a fire truck.

“Yeah, I always bring one to a party. You know, just in case.” Harry replied casually. I sighed in relief.  Ok so that’s one less thing I need to worry about. Harry drew small, lazy circles on my bare back. “By the way, that tattoo makes you look so sexy.”

My eyes widened. I got a tattoo to?! I shot up and wrapped a large blanket over my body as I rushed to the bathroom. I shut the door and looked for the tattoo. Then, my eyes fell on a tattoo of three flying birds on my left shoulder. It was the tattoo I’ve had my eyes on for a while. I softly touched my inked skin as I let the blanket fall down to my waist; exposing my bare chest and stomach. My reflection in the semi large mirror showed smudged makeup and pinkish purple marks speckling my skin. Love bits and ruined makeup. I then washed the makeup from last night off and wrapped the blanket back around my body so Harry wouldn’t see my bare body. As I walked out I began to see the scenery that I was at. Badge walls, old photographs (mostly of family and friends) and a tidy bedroom, perfectly organized.

“You know you don’t have to cover up. I did see you naked last night.” Harry chuckled as he sat at the edge of the bed. The comforter covering his thighs and his down south. I blushed and began to search for my dress, purse and shoes from last night. After a minute I found my dress and shoes lazily thrown on the right side of the bed and my purse was on the couch in the living room. And now I’m dressed back into my dress.


I slowly creped my way into my house. Harry had driven me home from his apartment and he was now on his way back to his place. It was like two in the evening and I’m now getting home. I softly shut the door and tiptoed up the stairs to my room. Mission accomplished I didn’t get caught by my parents. Now all I have to do is not let Liam know I stayed the night at Harry’s. I heard that he crashed at Zayn’s around five in the morning so I’ve got a couple hours. So I got dressed into skinny jeans and a black shit that said “NERD” written across the front. I guess that statement is semi true. But I know that Marcel beats me at that by a long run.


Author's Note:

Sorry that it took so long to update! I just had some technical difficulties with my computer. But now its all good and I can now proceed to write this story. Anyways, happy spring! I Hope the weather turns out better soon (its been crappy weather where I am right now)! So, I'll see you people soon.



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Love y'all (hahaha I went all Southern on you),

Crazy Girl

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