The Party

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*Scarlett’s POV*

“Remind me again why the boys had to come?” I groaned as me and Arianna sat on a bench waiting for the boys to finish shopping in some random clothing store.

“Because they all wanted to come with us… Their probably just going to shop for something pointless anyway.” Arianna chuckled as I slumped down on the bench. We have been out here for almost half an hour. And I don’t think they are any where near ready to leave the shop. After a minute of silence Marcel slowly walked through the doors with a small bag in his hand.

“Are they finished yet?” I asked excitedly as I sprung up from the bench; I think I almost hit the ceiling with that jump. Marcel snorted as he got closer. He put his large hand on my shoulder.

“Not even close.” Marcel replied I sighed deeply and slumped back into my seat. I really wanted to go back to shopping and this was boring.   

“What did ya get?” I heard Ariana ask Marcel as Marcel sat down.

“Just something for the party…” Marcel stated

“Like what?” Ariana continued

“A nice shirt and a pair of trousers.” Marcel answered, then Ariana nodded and silence took over yet again.

“Ariana, can we just go and shop now?” I asked as I sat up a bit.

“Yeah,” She said softly before I stood up with my purse in my hand, ready to go. Ariana took her time as she slowly got up and grabbed her small purse.

“Wanna come, Marcel? Or are you gonna wait for the rest of them?” I offered.

“Erm…I actually am going to a store down the way, so I can walk with you guys till I get there.” Marcel answered truthfully as he got up and adjusted the bag in his hand. We all walked down the large mall as we made our way to the shop Marcel wanted to go to.

“Marcel?” I looked at Marcel who was on the far side of Ariana who was beside me.  Marcel looked over at me with his gleaming eyes. “How do you relate to the other boys?  Other than Harry of course.” I asked politely, this has been bugging me since day one of knowing him. He hangs out with the boys and all, but how do they relate to each other. Marcel was basically the school nerd. I found out that he is in only AP/honors classes and always gets perfect grades. But the boys are all out of school and are all on a brake until they all study at Collage, if they all go to Collage; as well they are all “wild” in everybody’s mind. Metal Note: Be sure to ask Ariana why.

“Well…you could call me like a manager or ‘boss’ figure for the band.” Marcel informed as he put air quotes around the word boss.

“Cool,” I replied softly before Marcel stopped at a store that had a bunch of books and electronics.

“See ya, Scarlett and Ariana.” Marcel waved before he disappeared into the store. Ariana and I just made a small wave in return.

“So quick question…?” I kind of asked as I looked over at Ariana who was looking through some of the windows to different shops.

“Yeah…?” Ariana replied as she pulled me into a small shop filled with some cool clothing in it.

“What’s the deal with the boys?”

“What do you mean? You know the lads pretty well.” Ariana’s eyes brows furrowed in confusion as she looked at a pretty pink and black party dress with only one sleeve.

“How exactly are they ‘bad asses’? Like I’ve never heard of anything bad they’ve ever done. It seems like it’s just a rumor or an image.” I replied as Ariana looked up at me, giving me her full attention.

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