Quick Questions and Answers

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Scarlett’s POV

“Hello?” I heard Ariana’s voice calmly ask.

“Hey. Can I ask you a quick question?” I asked as I bit my nails.

“Shoot,” I sighed in relief.

“Do you know what you and Lou are doing this weekend?” I questioned slightly. I heard her move a bit.

“One second.” Ariana stated before I heard footsteps and mumbling voices; I couldn’t hear what exactly what they were saying. But after a minute I heard a door close and Ariana pick up the phone. “We’re staying home all weekend. Why?”

“Ummm do you remember when you told me that I need to be sneaky?” I replied

“Ohhhhh. I get it.” I could hear Ariana smile.

“Yeah…but I can’t say that I was with you for the weekend.” I sighed trying to think of who I need to call next.

“Sorry I can’t help…but what are you doing?” Now I guess it was Ariana’s turn to question me.

“If I told you, I would have to kill you.” I replied jokingly. It’s true that I can’t tell her. But I definitely won’t kill her. I could hear Ariana chuckle.

“Well ok…?” Ariana responded.

“Yeahh,” I giggled quietly.

“Can you at least tell me who is involved?” Ariana asked more shuffling in the background. Harry. But I can’t tell or our cover is blown.

“That is classified information.” I answer as if I was a secret agent for the FBI.

“Damn.” Ariana joked as we both laughed a bit.

“Ok I need to go. On to the next victim.” I joked at the last part a bit.

“Hahahaha ok, bye.”

“Just remember you didn’t hear anything. This phone call never existed.” I warned slightly.

“Got it, 007.”

“Good bye.”

“Byee,” I sighed as I hung up and dialed Jess. I don’t think she’s gonna be out this weekend but who knows.



“Hey, Jess can I ask you something?”

Tattooed Promises (A Punk One Direction Fan-Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz