Chapter 37

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Ella's PoV

We drove for a while and soon arrived at an abandoned building on the outskirts of the town

Dylan got out the car and held the gun to me

"Get out" he said blankly. I followed his instructions and got out the car. I was starting to shake but tried to remain calm and collected. I needed to ration out this situation and not let fear ruin it and possible get me killed.

We started to walk to the entrance, Dylan was behind me with a gun to my back.

We got inside and I don't know what it use to be but it was dark, the windows were blacked and dusty rubble layed on the floor and broken ceilings exposed wires. It was cold and Dylan was continued to walk me inwards. I had heavy breathing as we got further into this prison.

We soon got to a door and Dylan kicked it open. Inside was just a empty room but it had some weird Symbols on the walls and a brown substance sprayed across it

Dylan closed the door then turned to me.

"Dylan, it doesn't have to end like this" I whispered as I lifted up my hands in defence

"How else should it end then?, death is the easy way of escaping this fucking hell" he said and gripped his hair slightly with his free hand.

"It should end with you getting help, professional help" I said, I didn't have a point or a better plan but i just needed to make it out alive.

"They see people like me like monsters, not abused souls, they will lock me up, torture me, shun me, not help me. All because I went against God will" He spat and held the gun to me  "come on, I broke you too, your state is damaged so it should take you out too, I know the pain and mess I caused it and have scar you with" he said and his hand began to shake. I shook my head as a few tears fell

"Some people arnt made for this world, I think your one, but I'm not Dylan, I still have a chance a shot" I didn't know where I was going with this but I had to get somewhere "your dad, the kids at school, yes they hurt you, Dylan I know they hurt you and that fucked you up, but please don't drag me to hell with you" I whispered and out my arms up in defence and backed away slightly. I saw Dylan's face shake and drop. I think my words had an effect on him.

"Im not going alone" he whispered with no emotions



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