Chapter 10

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Ella's PoV

"Hey sweetie, oh god you look terrible"
Mum said as I walked though the door

"Well thanks" I laughed. She rubbed my hair before walking to the kitchen

"I'll make you some soup, you go to bed" she said. I nodded and then went off to my room.

I had a presentation due in for art tomorrow so I guess I'll be working on that. I was really annoyed that I couldn't finish my painting but I wasn't staying with Dylan. I pulled out my laptop and opened up my presentation. It seemed perfect and all I had to do was add some pictures and maybe some animation 

~~a few hours later~~

"ELLA, RYAN TEA" I herd mum call. I put my laptop down. I had finished my work so i got up to go downstairs. I was greater by the usual kayos. Rosie was rubbing mash all over her arms. Ryan was moaning about something. Mum was trying to stop Rosie and my step dad looked like he wanted to be somewhere else. I took a seat. And started to eat

When I had finished I got up and went to go back to my room. I walked inside and was greated by a cool breeze blowing though my room. I looked over and saw the window by my bed was open. Strange I thought i left it shut. I went and closed it fully.

Since I had finished my work I decided to go for a relaxing bath. I needed one considering all this Dylan drama I was going though.

I went to the bathroom and I felt uneasy. I don't know why. I guess the cold tiles. I turned the tap on and got a bath bomb and threw it in. I watched it dissolve. I found that relaxing. I then began to undress. I instantly felt extremely vulnerable which was strange. I also felt like I was being watched. I tried to brush it off and climbed into the bath. Engulfing my self in bubbles. I instantly felt all the stress just run off my body. I closed my eyes and lent back.

I allowed my mind to just float. All the bad things just go for a while.

I was taken from my world of happiness when I suddenly felt my head get harshly pushed under the water. I instantly started wafting my arms and kicking my legs. The hand then grabbed my jaw and pulled me out of the water. I was gasping for hair and though my water filled eyes I could make out a familiar face.


"You fucking bitch" he snarled squeezing my jaw. He sighed and shook his head

"God you look so hot right now" he muttered in frustration. He let go of my jaw and I feel back abit. He grabbed his hair and I sat up and curled my knees to my chest and wrapped my hands over them so he got no sneek peeks. He started to laugh.

"No no it's good" he said and placed his hands on the side of the bath. What was he on about.

He then started to remove his cloths and I squeezed myself together even tighter.

He was completely naked and it was one of those I don't want to look but I can't stop looking situation. He then climbed in With me. I backed further against the bath. I wanted to get out but I felt like that would end badly.

"Come on, I can take all your pain away" he said and started tugging on my locked leg

"You are the pain" I muttered. He froze.

"Burns make the wound heal" he said and knelt up in the bath and then bend over so his face was infront of my face.

His heavy breathing made me feel like a mouse in a Stampede of elephants. Wait. Elephants are scared of mice. Maybe I could do something. Dylan then clashed our faces together and lent more over me. I straightened my legs out and before he could move down and shot my knee up, kneeing him right in the bare balls. He growled in pain and I tried to push him off but it seems to just make him more angry. He pushed my back down into the water and I started waving my arms around trying to pull my self back to the surface. I got back up and Dylan was cupping his balls.

"That's not going to stop me" he growled and lifted my legs up my his side

"Yes it is" I said more confidently then intended. He looked up at me. He looked so angry but he just chuckled

"Keeping digging and you'll get trapped" he said and stood up out of the water and climbed out and walked out of the bathroom.

I sat confused then all the fear I had been holding back just flooded out of my eyes.

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