Chapter 35

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Ella's PoV

Dylan left. I guess he wanted some
Spaces since he reenacted  this fathers sinful act and had also showed his weak side. His had literally opened a close wound to be and now he was bleeding out.

My door opened and in walked Rosie

"Rosie, please can I just be alone" I whispered slowly as I buried my head into the pillow

"The Angel fell so she could stab the devil, just to watch him bleed"  she whispered. She was literally a toddler and she was talking and acting like this and it scared me. I looked up to her and she was just staring at me

How did she quote that. Maybe she was watching Ryan's TV or something and decided to recite that quote, a quote which related so much to my situation

"Thank you Roise" I sighed and she began to walk out.  I laid my head back on the pillow.

I didn't want to move. I didn't want to think. I didn't even want to breath

I felt broken. I had broken myself just to brake Dylan. Like the Angel fell just to watch the devil bleed.

In this situation who was the Angel and who was the devil

Dylan did what he did because he was an angel who was pushed out of heaven. A princess who was never saved.

And me I was abused, a girl who hurt no one yet had her life stolen by an abused soul

Dylan fell from heaven just to watch those who didn't hurt him to bleed because he was made to bleed

Or was I the Angel for allowing Dylan to abuse me to find this weekends.

Either way we were both bleeding now.

I suddenly needed to pee so I realised I had to get up. 

I slowly and painfully started to pull myself up so I could stand up

Each step was agony as I walked to the bathroom

I got inside did my thang then I walked back out again. This time I passed mum

"What's wrong with you" she asked slightly concerned

"Nothing, think I've caught a bugs that's all" I lied quietly. She gave me a concerned nod

"Right, well you get back to bed" she said as I began to walk past him

"Also where's Dylan I need him for something" she said and it froze in my tracks

"I don't know" I whispered.

"Funny, I thought I saw him home up here" she laughed to herself

"Yeah he left" I replied with

"Okay, just I need his parents contact detail that mould is spreading and I don't want them coming home to that" she sighed but I had just tensed up even more than I was before.

"His parents died, in a car crash in France" I lied. She gasped and looked horrified "that's why Dylan's been so quiet, he's grieving, but they left him the house and I'm sure he will get it sorted out" I said then realised what shit I had just got myself into. If she says anything to Dylan I'm fucked.

Authors PoV

Sorry I've been gone for so long I've been really busy

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