Chapter 13

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Ella's PoV

Mum came for me and I hopped into the car.

"I'm taking you to the doctors" she said.

"Why" I replied. I mean I know I'm acting off but it's because of Dylan not because I have some disease

"I'm worried for you, now unless you have something to tell me then we are
Going" she said as she set off in the opposite directions of home. I wasn't telling her about Dylan. I'm scared of what he would do.

"I think I have a bug" I shakily made out

"Mmm lets just hope it's just a bug, I mean have you and Evan been careful" she said with a rasied eyebrow. I was confused at first then I realised what she had said

"God no mum I'm not pregnant" I yelled but soon as I said it I got hit with the awful thought of what if Dylan got me pregnant. No that couldn't happen right.

"Mmm you never know, I mean you are acting off and look, feel and are sick" she said sounding concerned

"Yeah also symptoms of a bug" I said nervously laughing

"I'm just going to make sure, I know your not a little girl but you still live under my roof" she said as she pulled into the doctors. I took a deep breath and we walked inside.

Why are doctors waiting rooms so intense. A old coughing man In the corner. I screaming baby. A out of control toddler a old lady who might be dead. Mum was sat with a magazine and I was playing with my hands. I knew I had nothing to worry about but I didn't want to mention Dylan. I needed another story.

"Ella Linghall please come and see Dr Wood" I herd the overhead speaker say in that inaudible voice. I stood up with mum and we walked to our room. We walked inside and took a seat

"So, what seems to be the problem" she asked. I knew I was 19 but I looked at mum to tell her

"She's just been really sick and I'm worried for her" mum said. The doctor nodded

"So when did you start feeling sick" she asked.

"About last week" I said in a quiet voice. She nodded

"Right, have you eaten anything strange or change in diet" she asked. I shook my head.

"Okay, is there any chance that you could or might be pregant" she asked.

"Erm" I murmured . Not really a question I wanted to answer in front of my mum.

"Could, but I'm sure I'm not, I think i just have a bug or stress" I said.

"I'll put you on some anti biotics then. I also would appreciate if you were to take a test, just to put your mother at ease" she said and handed me a box.

"Toilets are down the corridor to the left" she said. I nodded and shakely walked down to the toilets.

Ella's art teachers PoV

Dylan came into the classroom

"Dylan, she's okays it's okay she's just gone home now" I told him. He was new to the school and had made good friends with Ella.

"Okay thank you" he seemed really tense and as I watched him walk off I thought I herd him say

"The bitch" but maybe that's just my hearing.

Ella's pov

"Look see not pregant just a bug" I said to my mother as I walked in. She seemed relieved

"Fantastic, now Ella I need you to take your medicine everyday day until the bottle runs out. You should be feeling better. If you don't then do feel free to come back" the doctor smiled. Me and mum thanked her and left.

"See nothing to worry about" I laughed in the car

"I know" mum laughed.

If only she knew what pain and trouble Dylan was causing me.

No drug could cure that.

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