Chapter 27

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Ella's PoV

"I have a fun idea, how about we see who can reach the end of the trail first, you and Rosie vs me and ella" Dylan suggested

"Oh no-" I started but mum cut me off

"Excellent idea" she exclaimed and took hold of Rosie's hand. Dylan grabbed hold of mine but I pulled it away

"See you at the end of the trail" she called as they began to walk off

"Right lets go" he said and grabbed hold of my arm and started to drag me off path.

"Now I was doing some manual labour last night" he said "and want to show you something" he continued and I could feel my heart stop as he walked up past some long grass and obvious neglected areas of the trail.

We came to a forest area which I didn't even know about. Inside was littler and campers remains.

Over in a corner was a wooden hut, made from logs, it was obviously apart of a Scout project or something   Covering the entrance was a blue cover

"Now, I'd like you to take a look inside" he said. I could feel my heart pounding like crazy and I began to shake and step back

"I said take a look inside" he snarled and grabbed hold of my arm

"No" I said and started to pull back on his grip but he pulled me forward and started to drag me closer. I began to scream and tug on his grip begging to not look

"Do one can hear you scream"

Ella's mums PoV

"Rosie don't eat grass please" I said as I lifted her away from the grass and brought her back on the track.

She then covered her ears

"What's wrong" I asked and ducked down to her level

"Yelling" she said. I picked my ears and tried to listen

"I don't hear anything, baby it's okay it must just be the wind, come on we have to beat Dylan and Ella" I said to her and placed my hand on her back and pushed her slightly to get her moving forward

"Ella, Dylan" she said and looked behind her

"Yeah, Ellen and Dylan, come on" I replied with but he kept looking behind her

"Ella, Dylan, girl, boy" she said quietly. I lifted her up

"Very good, girl and boy, come on baby stop lagging" I said and started to carrier her up the path slightly

Ella's PoV

Dylan placed his hand on the blue cover and lifted it up, his arm was gripped over my waist,  lifting me up

What I saw made me throw up all over the dead leaves

It was Evans body. And Sara's

I began to cry even harder and scream and tried to brake free from Dylan's grip as he brought me closer

"Took me a lot to get them here" he said. I felt sick. He took there body's from a morgue. He finally let me lose from his grip but he had throw me onto the body's

"You wanted to be with them, so there you are" he said with a smirk. I just screamed and began to crawl away.  Tears flying everywhere as I tried to escape the scene

"You sick fucking bastard" I screamed a tired to get to my feet. Dylan grabbed hold of my arm

"So don't fucking mess with me" he said sternly "I'm cable of hell sweetheart"

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