Chapter 20

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Ella's PoV

I was sat waiting, patiently tapping my fingers on my cup. Soon a girl with long wavy hair came up to me

"I'm Sara" she smiled as she took a seat In the chair opposite me

"I'm so thankful your doing this" I said with relief

"Well when I herd he was doing it to another girl I thought I cant let her go through that" she said in a sorry voice

"So he's done this before?" I asked

" I'm not sure about before me, her just moved to the school, I was 17. He got close to me, he even got my parents trust by coming by the house and mending things. But then he turned crazy and, you know what he does, but as time went on it got far worse" a tear began to roll down her face

"I see, he's done the same, my parents think he's some saint" I sighed "how did you get rid of him?"  I asked, this was key information

"He just moved away, his parents moved so he went with them, leaving me, he went but the scars didn't. You know he did this to me for two whole years" she whispered and I could hear the pain in her voice. She got rid of him because his parents moved, and I remember they said he moved because of behaviour problems from where he was. But that wasn't something I could form a plan from

"What do I do then" I sighed

"He's smart, you need to be smarter than him" she said

"But I'm not" I replied with

"Not alone your not, but maybe together we are" she said

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying we join together to destroy him" she said as she grabbed hold of my hand. It wasn't a bad idea, we were stronger together and she knew more about Dylan than me, she could predict his moves

"I say it's a plan"

"Perfect, look here's my number" she said as she grabbed hold of a napkin and a pen from her bag and wrote it on and handed it to me. You know I could have handed her my phone to type in it but okay.

"Thank you" I said as I took it from her a slid it into my bag

"You're welcome, so how far has he gotten" she asked, folding her arms

"Well he's friends with my family, made me and my boyfriend broke up, fucked me a couple times and possibly drugged my sister" I sighed. She nodded her head

"So he's just getting started" she sighed. Wait what, just getting started?! "Hopefully we can stop him before he gets worse" she said and gazed out the window

"Hopefully" I whispered back and gazed out too

Suddenly her phone bleeped and she looked at it

"Oh, my friend is waiting for me, a better go, it was nice meeting with you Ella and hopefully we can take him down" she said as she gathered her things together

"Yeah, thank you for reaching out to help, it means a lot" I replied with. She smiled and waved and I did the same before she walked off.

I stayed sat in the coffee shop finishing my drink and thinking when suddenly a oh too familar face replaced her seat.

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