Chapter 15

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Ella's PoV

I didn't feel like eating anymore

"Eat up your going to need your strength" Dylan whispered in my ear and grabbed hold of my leg

"I'm going to Toby's" Ryan said standing up and walking off. Bastard leaving me.

Mum came back down all dressed up fancy and started to put tea away. My stepdad came down soon after and started saying how much they needed to set off.

"I'll tidy up, don't worry" Dylan smiled taking a plate of my mum. She smiled and thanked him.

"Ella put Rosie to bed please, okay bye, don't stay up for us" she called and blew a kiss before walking out with my stepdad. Dylan smirked and twisted his head to me

"Go put Rosie to bed" he said in a sinister tone.

I walked up to Rosie and took her hand and waked her to her room.

I tucked her into bed and read a mr men book. She was starting to drift off so I went to turn her light off and left
The room. I took a deep breath and went back down stairs.

Dylan had finished the washing up and had done a pretty alright job. He looked up at me as he folded the tea towel.

"Stop this little sick game your playing" I spat. Dylan laughed and started walking towards me. I backed off

"But we've only just started playing" he said in a dark whisper. I felt my breath hitch and my chest rise

"Now that you are a single lady I guess there's no excuse" he said edging closer towards me and bringing my body closer to him. A few tears began to fall and i pushed him away

"I'd go with it if I was you, unless you want your life ruined" he snarled at me while tugging on my top. How could he make even more ruined than it already was

"Why are you so fucked up" I muttered

"It's more fun" he said then started kissing and biting my neck. I closed my eyes and tried to block everything out.

Mum always told me to never let anyone get the best of you. But Dylan's got the best of me and locked it away. I felt like shit, lost a boyfriend after cheating on him so I guess this is my punishment. No point fighting a battle I know I won't win.

I slowly began to put my hands behind Dylan's head. When I herd foot steps
From the stairs. I pushed Dylan away and he must have herd them too because he also backed away. Rosie then came into the kitchen

"Ella I had a nightmare" she said rubbing her eye. I walked over to here

"It's okay, let's get you back to bed okay" I said taking hold of her hand. I started to walk her upstairs.

When we got to her room I tucked her back in and pulled out a bigger story book. Stalling my time. I noticed she had a large collection of mr men books and decided to take it upon my self to read them all to her. Awake or not.

I herd the front door of the house open and close and I felt a Wave of relief rush over me. He had gone.

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