Chapter 8

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Ella's PoV

I was in art. I guess I looked off as everyone was asking if I was okay. I told them yes. Dylan wasn't in class and that worries me but also relieved me.

I started working on my work but I couldn't concentrate. I kept staring out the window and freaking out when ever I herd someone walking down the corridor. The teacher was giving me a weird look and soon came over to see me.

"Ella, step outside with me please" she said. I nodded and followed the old woman out. I was looking around the corridor to see if Dylan was lurking

"Are you feeling okay you look off" she asked. I nodded

"Erm yeah I'm just not feeling well" I said giving a faint smile

"Right, I think you should sit out for abit, maybe call your mum to pick you up" she said sounding concerned

"NO" I blurred out thinking of Dylan. What if he came. I'd be alone with him. That's something I can't do.  My teacher raised her eyebrow

"I mean I have to finish my project, all Disney princess together infront of their castle on different seasons won't finish it self" I laughed (if someone on here does art I challenge you to draw this and send me a pic when ya done"

"I suppose not, remember you can sit out whenever you need" she smiled then went back inside the class room. I followed her. I went back to my area and started back up. After 5 minutes Dylan scrolled in. I noticed some red splatters on his shirt. Was it blood?  I felt my heart drop and panic just run over me. He looked at me and smiled while walking to his area. I felt a shiver run down my spine. He went to the teacher and started talking. They both looked over at me and smiled. She nodded and he went to his area. I put my head back down to concentrate. I was on Belles hair and suddenly I herd the voice I grew to dread

"I'm with you, make you feel better" he said. He had a friendly voice on but still sounded creepy.

"Just leave me alone please" I muttered Dylan slipped his hand around my waist

"No, we love each other baby" he whispered in my ear. I moved my self away from him

"No we don't, I've known you for less then a week and already I learnt your a psycho" I whisper screamed. Range
Flew over his face and I thought he was going to lash out but he just closed his eyes and put his head down and started to laugh shaking his head.

"So what if I'm crazy, the best people are" he chuckled and turned to his work. He was working in a book.

"Want to see my work" he asked. I hesitated at first but he opens the first page and it seemed normal. It was a painting off a brown flower

"I used real blood as paint for this" he said. Soon as the words left his mouth I gagged.

"Oh darling we are just getting started"

As he went though his book the pictures got more graphic. Of people getting ripped apart, eaten. He had even drawn weapons and machines of torture. But that's wasn't the worst . Oh no. Near to the most recent drawings they were of me. And him. Started off with us holding hands but moved to him pulling apart my body. I pushed the book away and put my hand over my house. I was going to vomit. I stood up and ran outside the class room. I ran to a bin and let it all up. The fear. The disgust. I just wish I could vomit it from my mind. I felt s hand pat my back

"Baby, it's only drawings" he stopped patting my back and went really close to my ear and whisperd

"Soon it will be the real thing"

The boy next door (Dylan O'Brien)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant