Chapter 14

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Ella's pov

When we got home I went straight to the front room, as mum wanted to keep a eye on me, and decided to just browse though Netflix. I settled on monsters university as monster inc has
To be my all time favourite movie. I sat back and enjoyed watching my movie.

When the movie was finished I was greated by the lovely sound of Rosie screaming her way though the house. She had just come back from nursery.

She ran into the front room, Still screaming and mum came in and grabbed her

"Why was Mrs Dingelberg telling me you were kicking children off the play ground equipment screaming "this is Sparta". Because sweetie this defiantly isn't Sparta" Rosie just giggled and mum sighed

"Too many times the teachers have been complaining, right your helping mama with dinner so get your apron on" mum said and started to walked her out of the front room.

I turned back to the tv and I found a movie which looked interesting. The boy next door. I read the description and it seemed oddly familiar. I decided to watch it.

About 40 minutes into the movie  Ryan came home. Great. Dylan surly wasn't far behind. I tried to concentrate but it was difficult.

I then herd a knock at the door. Great. Dylan is here to fix the garage light. I panicked and looked around for a exit. Non. I then looked at the sofa then jumped over so I went behind it. I knew the garage was far away from the living room but I didn't trust him.

I herd someone enter and I held my breath

"Ella, where are you" I herd my mother call. I breathed out and stood up

"I dropped the remote" I lied. She looked concerned and looked over

"So why is there a remote on the seat" she asked. I just smiled.

"So it seems" I then got back up. She looked concerned

"Dylan's here to fix the light, I might ask him to stay for tea" she said

"NO" I yelled out. Mum put her hands on her hips

"Excuse me"

"No, no, no, no stick to the stuff you know" I started singing "a bit of high school musical" I said nervously laughing

"You really are sick, right well you get back to your movie. Fancy stir fry for tea" I nodded and got back on the sofa. I watched as she left and turned to the movie.

It was almost over when I herd mum call me. I felt my stomach just drop. I composed my self and paused the movie and left the front room and made my way to the kitchen.

Dylan was sat and looking sinister and was rubbing his hand on the empty chair next to him. I took a deep breath in and sat next to him.

"So Dylan, your parents are out of town" mum asked. Dylan looked at her

"Yeah, business, house all to myself" he said and turned to look at me. I tried to keep a solid glare at my food.

"Awh, well you can come around here when ever you feel lonely. I always cool extra tea" she said. I felt like a brick was just thrown at my stomach.

"Thank you, I'll take you on that offer, I'd happily help around the house as well, as a thank you" he said in a innocent voice and mum smiled back.

We carried on eating and then my step dad walked in

"Cathy, it's Mr lagoons part tonight" he said

"Oh crap, I don't have a babysitter and Ella's too sick" mum started. I have the Dylan a don't you dare look and he just smirked

"I'd be happy to look after everyone, please let me you've shown so much kindness" he said. Mum looked releved and smiled

"Oh my thank you so much" she then stood up

"I need to go get ready"

Dylan turned to be

"Tonight's going be fun"

The boy next door (Dylan O'Brien)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora