Chapter 22

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Ella's PoV

"Baby, can I come in" I herd my mum whisper though the door. I stayed quiet I didn't feel like responding. She walked in with a hot drink in hand

"I saw the news" she whispered and handed me a cup of hot chocolate.

I hadn't cried. Not yet. I couldn't feel the pain, the anger. All I felt my numb   Why cry over what I can't change, why give into what Dylan wants. He wants to destroy me that's his fucking game.

"We broke up anyway" I whispered quietly. She sighed and rubbed my leg

"I know nows not the time, but do you by any chance of having Dylan's parents number, it's just that there's a slight smell coming from their house and I wondered if they had a sewage problem or an dead animal or something I needed to warn them about" she asked. I shook my head  "alright, it's just I haven't seen Dylan to ask, that's all" she said, as soon as his name left her mouth a single tear fell, yet my chest didn't feel crushed and my throat didn't burn. I was still just numb "I'll leave you alone now" she whispered as she stood herself up and began to walk out.

I kept still.

When she walked out Dylan walked in

"Dylan, I need to talk to you" she said as she stopped in the door way. I kept my body tense yet kept my head down

"Sorry for the sudden intrusion, I saw the news and thought she needed a friend" Dylan said in that "good guy" voice

"You really are sweet, look what's your parents number, I've noticed a smell and I-"

"Oh yeah, there's a pipe problem, I'm sorting it out its all okay" he interrupted her. She nodded

"Awh I wish Ryan was like you" she laughed as she pattered his shoulder
"I'll bring you up a hot chocolate" she said and walked off

Dylan walked into my room and closed my door

"You kill them" I spat in a low whisper

"Oh cours- oh them, yeah I did, I mean you broke up with him and we can't have a third party when the game is for two" he said as he slowly came over.  What he thought I was on about some other people, but who? Dylan had done more murders, which didn't come as a surprise really.

"I don't care anymore" I sighed as I rolled onto my side. I was just so tired of this, and I guess the shock of everything just zoned me out.

"Oh baby, I'll make you care"

The boy next door (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now