"Love is unpredictable, I can tell you that much. It also hard to find that one person you truly want to spend the rest of your life with. When you do find her don't ever let her go. Yes you might not see her that often but when you do. Your like a happy puppy. I would recommend you to stay with her and try to talk to her. Tell her that once she and you get home that you don't talk about work. Talk about how lucky you are on having each other. You never know how fast they could take her from you. I can talk from experience."

Harry looked at Demi with sadness in his eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking. Who ? Who did you lost ?"

Demi look at her hands that were resting on her thighs.

"Uh my mom. I lost her to something, don't fully know but i'm pretty sure it was an illness. I was send to a family member while my dad stayed at the house. After that we moved here in August."

Demi told him with a sad smile as she look at him.

"I'm sorry."

Demi look down at the floor as the topic of her mother have been a touchy subject. Nick was the only one that help her with it. Licking her lips as she look up into his green eyes that shocked her on his first day. Harry ran his hand threw his curls as he grab a sticky note from his desk. He grab his pen as Demi watch him scribble something down. He stood up straight as he walk to her. Handing her the sticky note as he look at her.

"Here's my number. In case you want to talk about anything. My doors always open, Demi. If you got questions about class or you want to get something off your chest. You can come to me."

Demi took it as she look down at the sticky. A warm feeling buzz around her stomach. When she look up he was taking something out from a folder. Walking to her as he handed her a packet.

"Here's more information on persuasive writing. I would give it a read or two."

Demi took the packet as she grab her things. Placing everything neatly inside before sipping it up. Placing it on her shoulder as she look at him. He was sitting down at his desk on his computer with a paper next to him. Walking to the door before she exit she stop. Turning around to him as see him.

"Thank you for helping me Mr.Styles."

He smile at her for a moment she thought his eyes sprinkle under the light. Shaking her head before she walk into the hallway. Grabbing onto the strap of her back pack as she replayed what happened. His outburst was unlike him. Well at least his professional side. Demi stop in the middle of the hallway as she look back to his class. He could be one of her favorite teachers as when during class he's very animated and funny. Smiling at the thought as she whisper to herself

"You can also come to me, Mr.Styles."
Demi was laying down on her bed, reading the packet he gave her. She had her pajamas on and her hair was in a messy bun. She had a highlighter in her hand as she read the packet. She had found some of the information interesting but she couldn't get something out of her mind. He's random out burst. What happened? Was it in that text he read as she explained that she needed help? Looking at her computer as she thought about him. Looking him up as Nick did. Getting off her bed as she turn on her computer. Going to the internet as she looked him up. Finding his Facebook page as she quickly went threw it. He had a few things written most about knock-knock jokes that weren't that funny but still made her giggle. What got her attention on how good he was in writing. He was very poetic. Looking at the message button as she bite her bottom lip. Pressing the button as she typed out her message. Rereading it to make sure there weren't any mistakes. Taking a deep breath as she close her eyes. A loud sound made her jump out of her seat. Turning around as she saw her dad calling her. Walking to her phone as she pick it up.

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