dix-huit ~ whos there left to blame?

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On the Level~
Mac DeMarco

After the little vacation in National City, Avery finally decided it was time to go back home. She would miss her aunt but they would probably still email and call each other.

Her and her aunt did not find anything about the Super-family that they didn't already know, and that caused some sadness in the two females.

Her whole life has been based around the concepts of journalism and photography, and if she couldn't manage to do the one thing she was good at, how would she excel in life?

Avery walked up her front stairs sadly, her backpack in tow. When she finally got to the top she knocked on the red painted, hardwood door.

Hearing the sound of barking and scratching at the door she smiled, knowing that Merlin would surely cheer her up.

When they first got Merlin it was because her dad needed a police dog, seeing as though he was a policeman, but he was never a dog person.

Instead of bringing the puppy to work he got him trained. A couple of weeks ago you would have been confused as to why he is training the dog in protection.

Now that Superman has gotten bigger, so has crime rates. Her dad might not be around very much, but he is very protective.

At the sound of the knock and barking, Bruno jumped off his bed. He ran down the stairs in socks, almost slipping a couple of times, before finally making it to the door.

Opening it brought a smile to his face. Avery quickly dropped her suitcase and fell to her knees, hugging the smaller boy.

The jumping and whimpering of the puppy tore them apart, making them both laugh. Avery picked up the puppy, noticing it had grown bigger.

"Hey Mer, you're bigger. What have you been eating?"

The puppy barked in response, licking Avery's face. Bruno laughed at the two before standing up and bounding off to the kitchen.

Avery stepped outside, picking up the suitcase, and shutting the door. As she walked into the kitchen she heard the sound of talking.

Before she knew it the arms of her best friend were wrapped around her, making her chuckle.

"Avery Smith, never do that to me again. Do you know how much those boys questioned me?" Avery knew that Chloe would not break her promise, but the boys probably thought they could get her to.

"So, what's been happening?" Avery and Chloe sat beside each other at the table, Bruno bringing over a plate of cookies.

"Well, you know Cody?" Avery gave a small nod in response, her eyes darting between her friend, her brother, and the plate of cookies.

"Okay, so he decided that he wanted to join newspaper club." Avery choked on her cookie, Bruno quickly going the the fridge to get her some milk.

"Why does he want to join club? Didn't he call it 'a bunch of losers and some ink'?" Avery gave out a small chuckle at the terrible comeback the blonde boy had.

She remembered when he said that because it was in response to Avery. She said that the Smallville high football team was just 'a bunch of narcissistic Neanderthals'.

"Yeah, he did. Apparently something changed his mind because he showed up in club the other day. He asked if you were there and when I said no, Clark and Jimmy, of course, grew curious and protective."

Avery rolled her eyes at defensiveness of the boys, knowing that they would be the ones to do that.

"Okay, whatever. It's late and I think we should get to bed. You can stay the night and we can walk to school in the morning."

Chloe smiled and nodded at the girl, knowing she already had everything she needed for a sleepover.

"Okay Bruno, go brush your teeth and head to bed." The boy gave his sister a small nod, jumping up from his chair and running upstairs.

As Avery put the leftover cookies in a small plastic bag she thought about what Chloe had told her.

Why was Cody asking about her? He's never had an intrest in her before, so why now?

Chloe and Avery went up the staircase and went to the bedroom. They shut off the lights and went to bed.


"You know, you can't hide from them forever, right?"

Avery Smith let out a small scream from her place behind the locker, spinning around to glare at the person who scared her.

"What do you want Knight?" The girl rolled her eyes at the blond boy, a smirk painted on his lips.

"Did I scare you Smith?" The brunette scoffed at the boy, starting to walk away. Before she could get far Cody stepped in front of her, making her stop.

"Why are you hiding from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb? Aren't you like, friends with them?" Avery glared at the curious boy, her eyes shifting to said boys at the end of the hall.

The boys had started walking away when they caught the sight of their brunette friend talking to Cody Knight, her height reaching just below his chin. They had never seen the two talk before and it raised a little suspicion.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Jimmy looked at the two in curiosity. When he didn't receive an answer he looked over at Clark, his eyebrow raising.

Clark was as confused as Jimmy and wanted to use his hearing to listen in on the conversation, but also couldn't do it. He wanted to give Avery her privacy.

Shaking his head he began walking into the class and taking his spot, Jimmy following.

Out in the hallway, Avery looked at the classroom door, wanting nothing more than to sprint into it. "Yes, they are my friends." Avery began walking to her class, the bell ringing.

A large hand grabbed her elbow, pulling her back. Her instincts kicked in and she quickly grabbed the hand, twisting it into a painful position.

"What do you want Knight?" Avery might've been shorter than most, but she definitely wasn't weak. Her father always had her in self-defense classes when she was little and now she goes to the gym whenever she can.

"I just wanted to ask if you were going on the field trip to that art exhibit tomorrow." Avery let the boy's hand out of the awkward position and stepped back, tilting her head to the side.

"Are you?" Avery's expression changed from serious to confused in a matter of seconds, not knowing why she had asked this question.

The blond, pushing away from his position against the locker, began walking the opposite way to his class.

He smirked at the brunette girl, spinning on his feet. Looking back at the girl, he called over his shoulder.

"If you are."

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