trente-quatre ~ i told you i would stay

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Two Weeks ~
Grizzly Bear

Two Weeks ~Grizzly Bear

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Clark heard the struggle and Avery's screams, pulling off his top layer of clothes to reveal his suit, and rushing outside of the barn

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Clark heard the struggle and Avery's screams, pulling off his top layer of clothes to reveal his suit, and rushing outside of the barn. They were nowhere to be seen. Clark quickly took off into the sky for a better view and that's when he saw them. Curt Kaminski must've broken out of the towns jail because he was out, running through the woods with Avery dangling from his hands.

Clark jumped in front of them, landing with his fists on his hips. Curt stopped, realizing what had just happened. He looked both ways, trying to figure out how on earth Superman had found him in less than 2 minutes. "I suggest you put the girl down softly and gently, Curt."

Curt looked back at Superman before bending down slowly to place her on the ground. Before he did, he took off in a random direction with her in his arms still. Clark chased after them on foot this time, grabbing the man's shoulder and pulling it backwards. With speed, the boy took Avery out of the man's arms and tied him to a tree.

Clark had Avery stand and held her against him to steady her so she didn't fall. He took out his phone, calling the police and telling them where they could find the man. After hanging up he stuffed his phone into one of Avery's pockets and picked the girl up, planning to take her back to the barn until she wakes up.

It must've been fast acting because as he was walking them back to his house her eyes opened carefully. She saw the figure of her best friend, dressed in that suit he always wears, smiling to himself.

The girl smiled, bringing a tired hand up to his cheek. His head whipped towards her, smiling back at her. When he got to the barn he helped her stand up. She wobbled a little bit but he had his hands on her sides to stabilize her.

"I can't ever leave you alone, huh?" Clark shook his head at her, smiling. "I guess not, is that a problem?" Avery looked up at him through her lashes, smirking at him.

"No. Not at all. Never. What?" The boy nervously played with the back of hair. Avery laughed, hitting his shoulder gently. She held his face in her hands and pulled him down into another kiss, this one as a thank you.

Avery smiled at him. "That's got to be a new record, I got kidnapped twice in one day!" The girl walked backwards towards the barn door, smiling playfully at him.

"Should we call up Guinness?" Clark pulled up his pants that he had thrown to the side. He grabbed his shirt, starting to button it over his suit when Avery took his hands off the buttons and started doing it herself. She smiled up at him when she was finishing, happy to help with something.

She started to walk out the door, Clark going after her this time. He definitely wasn't going to take any more chances anytime soon. She looked to her right at him, smiling and grabbing his hand. He ran his fingers through his hair nervously.

They stopped at her door, Avery looking around to make sure her dad wasn't watching. He had just started to be okay with Clark and if he saw them kiss on their front porch step, I don't know when they'd get that chance again. Avery reached up towards him, giving the blue eyed boy a quick kiss and smile before she opened the door. "Thank you, you know, for everything. Saving me, three times, and walking me home."

Clark smiled at the girl, shaking his head. "I'd do it all again in a heartbeat."

Blue eyes met brown, smiles mirroring each other. Lingering touches. Wandering stares. The whole universe against them. But nothing would stop them. Their hearts beat as one, their energy bouncing off each other. If Avery was the sun painting pinks and oranges across the ocean, Clark was the ocean being touched delicately by the suns beautiful paint.

They were stuck together. Nothing, no one, would ever get them unstuck. They built a home within each other. Nothing could damage what they had. If the world was against them, they'd just have to change the world.


A/N thank you guys so much for reading my story :) I plan to see what else I can do in this AU of Superman, might switch up superheroes at some point too ;)

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