trente-deux ~ except you, you can stay

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Treehouse ~
Alex G

Treehouse ~Alex G

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"What did you do!" Cody screamed at his father, his grip tightening on Jimmy

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"What did you do!" Cody screamed at his father, his grip tightening on Jimmy. Lex stood up once again, pushing his foot back into the boys chest. Clark struggled underneath Lex's force, his eyes stuck on the unmoving body of Avery Smith. He couldn't look away, his mind working fast, trying to figure out how he can get her out of this. Jimmy stared at the girl he's known for years as she dangled over the line of death, his hands starting to shake. Even Massie looked away, recoiling at the sounds of her screams.

"I'm following the plan and if you were half as smart as your girlfriend then you'd know that." The bald man raised his palm to the side of his head, knocking it against his head twice. "You see, with Superman gone, I'm free to continue living my amazing life in peace. I'm free to do whatever I feel. But I don't just want him gone. I want him to lose everything he cares about first. I want him to be in pain. I want him to suffer. And so he will." Lex brought the remote back up, his finger going to press another button that would drop the only thing holding Avery from her demise on the concrete 150 feet below her.

Cody shouted, pushing an untied Jimmy towards Lex. He used the distraction to grab the remote from his fathers hand, but Kitty's heeled foot quickly kicked it out into the air. Cody stood in front of the woman before swinging his fist in her direction. She expected the punch so she ducked, her fist going to hit his throat but he blocked it before she could get the chance.

He kept ahold of her fist, bringing it high into the air and a little behind him so she couldn't move. He quickly took ahold of the remote in her other hand, pressing the button and smashing it before anything else could happen.

Clark took the chance to run as quickly as he could up the stairs, trying to get to Avery. The boxes across the warehouse began closing, the green crystals enclosed once again. Clark raced up the stairs, feeling himself get his energy back little by little.

Down on the floor, Chloe launched her elbow back into Massies nose, successfully breaking it. She got close to the ground and swept under the girls feet, making her fall. The blonde girl sent one more punch to the other girl, sending Massie into a sleep. Chloe took the chance to run up to Kitty, spinning around and kicking the woman across the face.

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