quatre ~ burnt by the sun too often

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Blood ~
The Middle East

He began pedaling towards his house

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He began pedaling towards his house. Clark would not let Avery return home bearing a cut on her arm without helping her first. Plus, if her father found out, he would probably kill him.

He parked in his driveway and helped her off the back of his bike, sneaking her into his farm house. As they walked in they began to creep up the stairs but were interrupted by a light flickering on.

Mrs. Kent had to be the best mother in all existence, or at least that's what Avery thought. Compared to her own mom, she was hot cocoa on a cold day. Avery's mom barely spoke to her, always busy with work. Avery was definitely a "daddy's girl", even if her father was always at work also.

When Mrs. Kent came out of the kitchen, she had two mugs on a platter, hot chocolate with whip cream in each. She ushered the kids in, their heads hanging low.

"You don't have to tell me why you were out, just tell me why you were bringing Avery home with you." She looked accusingly at Clark. "She's hurt Ma. I couldn't just let her go home hurt." He looked sadly at Avery, feeling somewhat guilty for not being able to keep her safe.

Mrs. Kent's eyes widened upon seeing the small piece of Clark's shirt wrapped around the girl's pale arm. "Clark, go and get the first aid kit for me. Afterwards go get ready for bed, it's midnight." Clark gave his mom a small nod before running off to do as she said.

Mrs. Kent took Avery's arm, said girl letting out a hiss in pain. She then carefully unwrapped the piece of her son's shirt, placing it to the side. Both girl's looked up at the sound of fast footsteps, Clark pivoting into the kitchen.

He placed the first aid kit on the table, meeting Avery's glossy eyes. "Clark, go take a shower hun, you smell like dirt" his mom chuckled at her worried son in amusement, said boy turning around in shame.

"I'm okay Clark, don't worry. Your mom is right, you do smell like dirt, go take a shower" Avery smirked at Clark.

Clark let out a breath of worry, before chuckling at what Avery and his mother agreed on and trekking up the stairs to take a shower.

Mrs. Kent chuckled at the two before taking out some rubbing alcohol. "This is gonna hurt" she warned Avery, before soaking a towel in it. Avery let out a small whimper as the rubbing alcohol touched her cut. Clark, beginning to take a shower, heard this whimper, his face darkened at the thought of him not catching Avery.

The woman then took a bandage, wrapping it around the girl's arm. "You know, Clark saved me tonight, twice. You raised a really good son." Mrs. Kent smiled softly at Avery before the room returned to silence again.

After Avery was done with her cocoa, Clark came bounding down the stairs, his wet hair bouncing around. Avery began to leave, Clark following shortly behind. "Are you sure you don't need a ride home?"

Avery chuckled at the worried boy, smiling before replying with a small "I'm fine, Clark. I live across the street." Avery began her short walk down the stairs before turning around sharply, not unnoticed by the boy standing in the doorway.

She bounded up the stairs two at a time before finally reaching Clark. His height towered over her and she smiled at him before wrapping her arms around his neck, his arms finding themselves around her waist, connecting at the small of her back.

She pulled back, her hands finding themselves into his. "Thanks for catching me" she smiled at his shocked face before dropping his hands and crossing her arms.

The shock finally registered, and he smirked at her. "You shouldn't have gone alone, I told you not to go alone-" She stopped him short by chuckling, placing her hand on the side of his face to cup his cheek, his head leaning into it.

"You're just too precious for this world, Clark Kent." She began her walk down the stairs, but she turned back around as she heard him call her name.

"You're just too beautiful for this world, Avery Smith." He smirked at the sound of her letting out a shivering breath before sending her a wink. "Night Ave."

Walden Pond § Clark Kent AUWhere stories live. Discover now