quinze ~ waiting for the ride in the dark

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Midnight City ~




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When Bruno first woke up it took a moment for his eyes to adjust. He finally saw the figure of his older sister and pulled a stressed smile on his face. "Hey Avery." His throat was dry and it showed in his voice.

Avery gasped, quickly standing up from her chair, and going to the table to get the boy some water.

He looked to the other chair and noticed someone else in the room. "Hey Chloe." The boy gave them both a smile as he took the drink his sister was trying to hand him. "Thanks."

"Oh god Ace, you gave us a right scare, you know that?" Bruno frowned at the girls, looking to his lap and tapping his fingers.

"I'm sorry."

The boy looked very guilty and Avery couldn't take it anymore. She walked up to him, her hand brushing his hair off his forehead and planting a kiss on it.

"It's fine, just don't do that to me again." The boy grew a large grin on his face, looking between the two girls.

Both the girls smiled at him before he noticed a box on the end of the bed.

"What's in that?" Chloe grabbed the box with a big smile. "So, I decided to get some stuff on my way here. For you Ace, I've got a-" she took a small plant out of the box and handed it to the wide eyed boy.

"You got me a venus flytrap?" The two girls giggled at his excited reaction before Chloe reached back into the box.

"And something for all of us." She pulled out a bag of chocolates, knowing just how much the Smith siblings love chocolate.

"Thank you Chloe!" Chloe smiled at the boy and started eating some of the chocolates.

The nurse named Melissa came into the room with a smile and something behind her back. "I wanted to get you guys a movie, and because Christmas is close..."

She popped in the movie Elf with a smile before beginning to walk out. "Nurse Melissa!" She turned around at the call of Bruno, the boy sending her a smile.

"Catch." Bruno tossed something to the nurse, her catching it with ease. "Happy holidays." Melissa smiled at the three before turning around and walking out the door. She unwrapped the small chocolate and popped it into her mouth.

"I love kids."


When Clark was on his way to school he heard the faint sound of an ambulance. He knew that whoever it was is in the hands of the doctors now and would be taken care of.

Yesterday he visited his cousin in National City because she needed some help with a bad guy. It took longer than he thought it would and he ended up having to skip school.

He looked across the school yard and noticed Jimmy and Chloe. They were sitting at a bench, smiling and talking. Clark saw Jimmy look around in confusion. "I feel like something is missing."

"Where's Avery?" Clark raised his eyebrow as he questioned his friends, looking between one of confusion and one of fear.

"Jimmy, have you heard from her?" The boy shook his head in response. "Nope, she didn't show up at club yesterday either. Right Chloe?"

Chloe glanced at the boys, knowing exactly where Avery is but knowing Avery also didn't want them to know yet. "Maybe I should run by her house and check on her."

Clark began walking away and Chloe jumped up to disagree. "Ave- Avery is- she is okay. You don't - you can't leave now." Clark looked at Chloe in surprise from her outburst before nodding slowly and sitting down with his two other friends, his mind going back to Avery.

Chloe knew what was happening and by the end of the day he would find out.

Walden Pond § Clark Kent AUWhere stories live. Discover now