treize ~ hard to be soft, tough to be tender

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Help I'm Alive ~

Avery calmed down as she realized who it was. She knocked a rhythm back and after a couple seconds her brother came into the room, sitting himself at the end of her bed.

"What's wrong, Ave?" Bruno tilted his head in a puppy dog manner, his small form curled up on her bed.

"Just some high school stuff, you don't need to worry about it until at least eight more years." She smiled at him, reaching over and messing up his hair.

"Is it about last night?" Avery's eyes widened at her brother. "What last night?"

"You know, you came home super late." Avery sighed, thanking the world that Bruno didn't see him.

"Oh, and Superman was in your bedroom."

Avery looked over at him with a shocked face. "How did you know that?" Bruno smirked at her confused face and shrugged.

"I was getting water and caught a glimpse of a cape slipping into your window, so I went into your room to check on you and you were asleep on your bed."

Avery sighed, grabbing her brothers hand. "Ace, you can't tell anyone."

Bruno smiled at the nickname his dad had given him, nodding in agreement. He was about to reply when he was cut off with a pain.

First it was small, but it started growing bigger. Avery watched as her brother let out a hiss, his fingers flying up to run his head.

"Bruno, are you okay?" Her concerned hazel eyes glanced over his figure as she rubbed his back.

The pain left his head and he nodded to her. Bruno couldn't take the serious feeling in the room so he did the only thing he could think of, he rambled out a fun fact.

"Did you know humans have half the same DNA as a banana?" His blue eyes met hers as he gave her a sheepish smile.

She looked at him for a second before growing into a round of laughter, Bruno joining. "No Ace, I didn't know that."

They continued laughing and talking like this until it got to be around nine and she put him to bed.

"Goodnight Ave, I love you." The girl smiled at him from the doorway of his room. "Love you too Bruno, sweet dreams."

She walked over and planted a small kiss on his forehead before turning to leave. As she was walking to the door she stepped on a toy dinosaur that had been discarded to the side of the room.

Pain shot up her leg as she tripped, falling to the floor. "Fuck!"

Bruno looked at his sister with wide eyes, her's also widening at the word choice she used. "Language, A!"

"I mean, shuck." Bruno grew a goofy grin at her correction, chuckling a little. She stood up and turned off the lights, heading to her room.

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