Wednesday (Body switch part1)

Start from the beginning

"Sorry bro but I'm busy." I said in my best impression of a boy's voice
"Busy listening to our talk. Get you're a** out here." Said guy2
"You don't wanna smell what's in here bro" I replied while desperately trying to hide the fact that I'm have a panic attack
"N**** open the door" said guy3
I didn't reply, instead I teleported myself out of there and to my locker.
And when I say I went to my locker, I mean I was inside my locker.

Rinnnngggg!!!! Went the bell. Great now I'm late.

When the bell rang, everyone went crazy and started rushing to get their stuff. Which is unusual since most people here don't care about being a few minutes late.I waited till everyone left the halls before getting out of my locker.I was about to leave when I saw Mr Hunt in the hallway. No wonder everyone was rushing to get to class on time. He was talking to this guy called Matt. Matt is the biggest tattletale in school, so most kids avoid him and most teachers love him.

"Anyone in these halls without a pass should be punished. Any student who is late to school should be noted. If they are late more than 3 times they should be punished. Anyone who disrespects should be punished. Do you understand?" Said Mr Hunt
"Yes sir." Replied Matt

Just great☹️! Now what do I do? I could stay here till next period..........
Nah! People will see me walk out of my locker and I will look like a total wiredo/idiot.
Maybe till after school?..... no I'll die of boredom

Think Shelly think!!! While I was thinking, I saw Eli and guy1-4 walking down the hallway. Yay! They'll do something bad to distract Matt and I'll be free!😃
"Hey you! Why aren't you in class?" Asked Matt
"I don't know. Why are you a loser?" Said guy4
"I'm warning you. Do not make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry."
"I don't like you now." Said guy2
"I'm writing down all you're names. You all will have detention after class."
Said Matt
"That would be better than talking to you." Said Eli
Matt and Eli gave each other death stares

"Class now." Said Matt
"No." said Eli
"Tell the teacher? Please. If you want respect you gotta do worse than that."
Matt went silent. And I started to panic. The tension in the hall was thick enough to cut through.
"Telling the teacher could get you expelled. What else could be worse?" Said Matt
"I don't know..... maybe....... fighting me." Said Eli
"F-fight?!" Said Matt
I don't blame him for being scared. Eli has never lost a fight.
"I don't give a f*** about school."  Said Eli

The halls we silent. Clearly something was about to happen. I thought Matt would be smart and walk away and tell Mr Hunt (who would probably do things worse than Eli could ever imagine)

Instead he actually pushed him. OMG 😲!! I can not believe this!!....I forgot to wear shoes! Great, now my feet smell like toilet water☹️.

Like a fool, Matt chose to fight. Matt and Eli were punching and throwing each other around. Matt actually put up a good fight. They would bash one another into the surrounding lockers. At first I was like 'Awesome fight. Go Matt go.' Then I remembered..... I'm in a locker! They are going to bash me☹️😬!

I looked around👀 and I noticed all the guys were distracted by the fight. I came out of  my locker a ran but I fell and for SOME reason that will never be known, I said oww! In my boy voice. Guy3 heard me.
"Guys it's him the one who was listening to our conversation."
I quickly got up and ran
"After him!" Yelled Eli
They all started chasing me!!
Why didn't I go to the gym when my mom told me to???

Rules of revenge: bad boy blackmailWhere stories live. Discover now