I lightly ran my fingers over his jaw, sending pleasurable sparks through his body, I lean down and press my lips against his. I let the kiss go longer then intended, his mouth was hungry on mine, pushing my lips apart and shoving his tongue in my mouth.

I heard a throaty moan from Jasper, His hands snake into my hair, holding me firmly to him. When i decide hes had enough i pull out and whisper, "Never come in my room or bathroom again..." Jasper looked shocked but still very turned on, I open my eyes and part my lips, i suck in and i see his chi coming out of him... MAN he tastes like heaven. I suck enough out that he passes out.

I restrain myself from killing him and i drag him out of the tub not caring he was nude and push him into the hall way and throw a towel over his man parts. I smile and i know i cant pass this up.

I run to my room and grab and black and red sharpie, I turn him over so his front was facing me, i still had the towel tucked tighly around his lower half, I write "All powerful elder" across his forehead in black sharpie and then i write "I am a major c*ock sucker!" across his chest.

I smirk and stand up admiring my work. That will definitely piss him off!! I grin and slam the door behind me. Jeez, i need a shower, my hair has grass and ashes in it... Ashes??? Must be from the lightning strikes.

I walk over to my full body mirror in the bathroom and gasp in shock at what i see, My old brown hair wasn't there anymore, It was midnight black with streaks of green in it, the same color of my eyes when i feed, then i look and see green vines tattooed on my arms, wrapping around them to my palms which had a silver lightning bolt! HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE HELL?

i turn and look at my back, It has a sapphire design going down my spine... JEEZ! i never had ink! what the hell! I looked at my face again, even my eyes are messed up, they are green, except not as light and neon as my eyes are when i am feeding.

I look like a mess, i ignore the mirror and hop in the shower, scrubbing away the powerful feeling i have, and the grass and dirt. Training tomorrow, Gee i cant wait! Man sarcasm is great...


I smirk as i pin Jasper to the ground again, like the 10th time now.

Jasper growls at me, "How the hell do you keep pinning me? Im supposed to be getting payback for what you did to my beautiful skin!!!"

I smirk, "Dont be such a girl Jasp, Its only skin and speaking of skin can you explain this to me?"

I lift my shirt and i hear Holden and Jace growl at me for exposing myself. When i pull my shirt off everyone stopped sparring and stared at me, my front and my back, I was covered in these weird tattoos.

Jasper looked surprised, "Umm... Calla, i dont know why that happened..."

He stepped towards me, ignoring the growls coming from my mates, He traced the sapphire tattoo going down my spine, i shiver from the touch.

"breath taking... It shows your strength and power, i know an alpha that had tattoos, except yours are more extravagant and unique, it represents your main abilities, hence your midnight black hair and green highlights... but its beautiful.."

He turned my palms over to see lighting bolts... he laughed and turned to the rest of the pack that was training not moments before i took my shirt off....I did have a sports bra on so they weren't staring at me while i was nude, that would be kind of crayyy..

Jasper spoke with strength in his voice, "Calla, is a special type of faye that has multiple abilities, she has 3 different nymph abilities and she is part succubus and telepathic. She will lead us into this war and take us out as champions with honor!"

Everyone looked at me with fear and lust in their eyes, its not like i will attack my own pack... Im not stupid or crazy in the head... or at least not that way... hehe. Jasper locked eyes at me, "How DARE you tell them about me, they cower in fear now... i was going to tell them on my own!"

Jasper looked pained but quickly masked it with an evil smirk, "Pay backs a bitch, but i didnt tell them because of what you did to me, they need to know so they didnt think you were an out of control luna thats tattooing her body and dying her hair with rainbow colors....i think it looks beautiful on you but people will gossip.. "

I knew he was right, i just didnt like the stares... Jasper read this.

"EVERYONE! STOP staring at Calla as if she might loose control, shes the same Calla she has been, she just discovered her abilities, and if calla were hurt in battle i expect anyone to let her feed on you, she feeds on your chi, she can heal from sucking it out of you... watch so you wont be afraid."

Jasper stared at me waiting. I sighed, i felt everyone's eyes on me, i heard girls snickering not believing i had special abilities, my eyes opened and everyone gasped except Jasper, Holden and Jace. I walked over to Jasper, feeling hungry. I run my hands down his biceps sending pleasurable sparks through his body... He moaned from the heat.

I leaned in and pressed my lips against his, he moaned and pressed his lower half into me, I smirked and pulled back opening my eyes and parting my lips, I breathed in taking Jasper's delicious chi in to me, I stopped after a couple seconds, I didn't want to scare anyone. I pulled away and closed my eyes...

When I opened them I saw people staring at me, I smiled. Jasper looked breathe less but he still smirked at my power, "Calla, show them your lightning storm!" Jasper yelled, I could tell he was excited. I smirked and ran 10 ft away from everyone. I closed my eyes and centered myself, I put my hands at my chest, making it look like I was praying.

when I separated my hands I could feel the surge was there, when I opened my eyes I didn't focus on the people around me, instead I saw the clouds darkening and circling around me, waiting for the ball of energy, I put my hands at my side, before I quickly crossed them, I made sure my pointer and middle finger were sticking out, having the rest of my fingers in a fist, I turned my fingers towards the sky and let the surge go up.

I extended my hands at my sides with my palms up, I could feel the electricity in me veins, the power was there...I felt invincible. I knew I could win this war. The ground was shaking from the impact of the lighting hitting the ground with a strong force. I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me with lust,pain, fright, and most of all curiosity. I smile and drop my hands at my sides.

The lightning stopped and the clouds lightened again....as if that never happened. Instead of passing out I felt strong and ready to face anything.

I looked at Jasper to see him grinning, them my eyes flickered to my mates to see them staring in awe... yeah YOUR mate is very powerful and strong, and im all yours. But I wasn't so sure, Jasper seemed pretty interested, out of no where I heard howls and screams.

I turn my back to the pack to see about 20 wolves, with the third in command leading them, the Alpha was to scared, hmmm I hope they saw the show. I could tell they were shocked but they still wanted blood and if they wanted blood so bad, we would definitely make them bleed. I sprinted with incredible speed to stand 5 steps away from the third in command, I smirked and fluttered my eye lashes before I flicked my wrist and made vines shoot from the trees behind him and grab him around the neck...

this is going to leave a mark... I swung my fist and I heard the crack of bone in his jaw. I heard growls behind me as everyone started running towards each other, going into the fight, I knew this was going to be a piece of cake...

Hey Guys! I hope you like the update, WAR!!!! I am extremely excited about Calla's new appearance and the affection she shows Jasper, will she forget her mates and go for him? Who knows?? VOTE AND COMMENT BELOW!!! Check out the pic of what Calla's tattoos kind of look like. Love you guys <3 follow me, until the next update <333

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