4 : J i n

131 6 0


warnings: bullying-ish

"Jin, you crazy bastard!"

All [y/n] was doing was minding her own business at her locker. Then, oh so sexy Jin had to come up, whip her around to face him, and push her into her locker.


"Why are you here, [y/n]?" Jin's normally attractive face glared down at her.

"Gah! I'm always at school you blind piece of-"

She stopped before she could say anymore as a teacher walked by. Once he rounded the corner, Jin's face crept closer to hers. He wasn't wearing any emotions as per usual. He just stared at [y/n]. His eyebrows furrowed together as he studying her. With one final shove into the closed lockers, Jin left. Just like that.

"This kid," [y/n] mumbled while rubbing the back of her neck.

Weird encounters with Jin had been becoming a usual for [y/n]. Jin had always been like that towards her. Ever since elementary school. But lately it seemed... different. Jin had gotten more touchy. Not that she minded it though...

On her walk back to homeroom, she thought about her history with Jin and what his new attitude meant. Maybe the stress is just getting to him, [y/n] thought. Mr. Eastman's door was open when she arrived.

As she passed the three stooges, Namjoon, Hobi, and Jin himself, they went silent. Hobi then screamed, "Hello [y/n]!"

[y/n] just kept walking to her seat. Crazy bastards, she thought. She dreaded this class. Because not only was it her homeroom, it was also her biology class. She dreaded these two periods of hell everyday.

She plopped down in her usual seat. Her table was in the back right of the room and she sat by her close friend [your bestfriend's name]. She/He was the only thing that got her through biology.

Jin and Hobi sat that the table directly ahead of [y/n] and they always made it hard to focus. Whether it was throwing notes or spitballing her, she just couldn't pay attention.

That's probably why she had a D in the class.

"Okay class, as I told you yesterday that we are skipping homeroom and getting right into biology. I printed off a list of your instructions and they should be on every table. Remember, be careful when it comes to dissecting. Get it? Got it? Giddiup."

"Hey, [y/n], did you remember we were dissecting today?"

She just rolled her eyes at Namjoon as he walked by. And she also noticed that Hobi and Jin were using their instruction paper for spitballs. [y/n] couldn't believe how the school let some of these people in. She just got up to get the materials needed while trying to ignore Hobi (who seemed to be shouted weird things at her).

Mr. Eastman announced he was going to pass out the dead frogs, but [y/n] collected everything else. [your best friend's name] thanked her when had gotten back to their table. Just as she was sitting down, [y/n] felt something slimy hit her forehead.

She fiercely looked up at Hobi and Jin, who were trying their best to hold in laughs. She wiped away the saliva dripping on her forehead with the back of her hand. By the time Mr. Eastman had come around to hand out everyone's frogs, the boys were acting like angels.

"I'm expecting a good dissection out of you [y/n]," Mr. Eastman drawled as he set a dead frog on the tray.

[y/n]'s nose shriveled like a raisin when she examined the dead amphibian. This was really gross for her. [y/n] gently shoved the frog to the side so [your best friend's name] could work on it. After her feet started to burn, [y/n] took a seat. And it was all okay until Jin threw the frog.

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