7 : J - H o p e

75 6 0

fluff, a little angsty

warnings: school shooting

[y/n] loved books. She loved the library and every part of it. It was her favorite place located in her least favorite place.

The Library was rather old but [y/n] didn't mind. It was still a library and there were still books. Another reason [y/n] liked the library so much is because not a lot of people knew about. At the most, there were about two-three people in the library at a time.

[y/n] sat at a table all too herself with a book in front of her. The smell from the pages wafted around her causing her to relax. This was her haven. [y/n] had only moved the the school a year ago and the first few weeks were rough. She found happiness in the library. The warm L.A. sun rays filtered through the windows.

It was one of the only rooms in the school with more than one window. [y/n] set her head on her hands and flipped the page. The book she was reading wasn't too particularly interesting but it was good enough. Good enough to keep her reading. However, she would read absolutely anything.

Mrs. Milheiser sat at her desk with a little smile. [y/n] knew she loved the quiet. Mrs. Milheiser was practically a grandmother to her anyways. So not only the books gave her comfort, but the people did too.

It was a normal Friday and [y/n] was spending her free period reading a mediocre book. She was happy.

Until the boys came in.

The atmosphere of comfy quietness was shattered when three boys walked in. [y/n] immediately recognized them. Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, and Jeon Jungkook walked in with unmistakable swagger. Mrs. Milheiser looked startled as the boys walked in while talking and laughing with each other.

The three boys loudly made their way to a corner where Min Yoongi was sleeping with his girlfriend. [y/n] watched them with a newfound curiosity.

"Yoongi, come play basketball with us."

The still groggy boy waved the group off, "No. I'm sleeping."

The boys all groaned and complained about their older friend. The principal Mr. Hertting came on over the intercom breaking up their complaining.

"This is an intruder alert, this is not a drill. We have a man with a gun walking near the gym-" Gunshots and screaming cut off his voice. [y/n]'s eyes widened as Mrs. Milheiser ran towards the door locking them and closing all the blinds on the doors.

The lights shut off and the seven quieted as more gunshots and screams were heard from the other end of the school. [y/n] was frozen in her chair, her book still open to the page she was reading.

"Everyone! Listen to me. Stay calm and get to that corner over there. Boys, I want you to start making barricades by the doors," Mrs. Milheiser whisper-shouted.

[y/n] watched as the boys quickly grabbed desks and chairs and put them by the doors. She was still frozen in her chair. Book still open.

"[y/n]!" Mrs. Milheiser whispered again, "Get over here!"

She shook herself out and tried to regain her wits. She made her way over to the huddled group and squatted down next to Mrs. Milheiser. A second later, the boys had finished and met the rest of the group.

Jin immediately started texting somebody on his phone, and [y/n] figured it was his girlfriend. This was a reason why she was scared about getting attached to someone. She couldn't help but notice all the boys on the phone, or in Yoongi's case, consoling his crying girlfriend, except for Hoseok. She crouch crawled her way over to the tall boy who was sitting by himself. She didn't know why. She just did.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded giving her a breathtaking smile, "What about you?"

[y/n] mustered up a grin, "I've been better."

She plopped on her bottom and continued to talk to him in a hushed tone. It made her feel better.

"You're [y/n], right?"

[y/n] was surprised he knew her but she just replied with a small, "Yeah."

Hobi didn't look surprised by the situation, but [y/n] guessed he just hid fear very well. Police sirens sounded from outside, and [y/n] finally exhaled.

"I'm sure everything's ok," [y/n] reassuringly while putting a hand on Hoseok's shoulder.

He rubbed his palms together, "How are you so calm?"

"Trust me, I'm freaking out on the inside."

Now that got him to smile.

"I swear I'm not a wimp."

[y/n] almost laughed out loud but she covered her mouth with her hand.

"I know. I don't blame you that you're scared. You very much so have the right to be scared. Heck, you could have a panic attack and that still wouldn't compare to how scared you should be."

She didn't know why, but trying to make Hobi feel better made [y/n] feel better. Maybe she was just reassuring herself by telling the words to someone else. Mrs. Milheiser told them to be quiet, and the group silenced completely.

The silence had never been more deafening for [y/n].

Bang! Went the door. Someone was trying to get in. BANG BANG BANG! [y/n] was in Hobi's arms at this point. She didn't care. She just wanted to be save. Hobi felt save. Millions of different thoughts ran through [y/n]'s head. Would she ever read another book? Eat her mom's great cooking again? Fall in love? Start a family?

Hobi squeezed her tight to him. Normally he was the class clown. The strong one. But [y/n] found herself whispering many reassurances to him in that moment. Mrs. Milheiser didn't say anything. Yoongi was wrapped around his girlfriend so well, you couldn't even see her.

In that moment, [y/n] wasn't sure how much time she had left.

"It's the police!" A loud a husky voiced yelled, "You can come out."

Mrs. Milheiser told everyone to stay put as she peeked around the corner. Hobi's heart was beating so loud, [y/n] could barely hear herself think. Mrs. Milheiser then told everyone it was okay and that the police were really hear. As she said those words, five guys dressed in uniforms, and holding guns, came into view. A flood of relief poured through [y/n]'s body. She could feel Hobi loosening his grip around her.

As the group exited the library, [y/n]'s heart was beating a mile a minute. Not only because they were save but because Hobi still had an arm slung around her shoulders. When they had gotten outside of school, there were hoards of students talking.

"It was the sub. He brought a gun and "accidentally" fired it."

"No one was hurt."

"It was a dumbass substitute... He's going to jail for a long time."

"Everyone is safe."

Safe. Everyone. It was a miracle actual. [y/n] couldn't imagine what her parents would say about this.

"Thanks [y/n]... For being there for me."

"Anytime," she replied to Hobi while giving him a soft smile.

He smiled back to her, "I think you might be a good girl to have around."

Luminous [A SERIES OF BTS ONE SHOTS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora