7 : J u n g k o o k

81 3 0


Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.

The mantra played on repeat in [y/n]'s head as she speed walked across campus. Her backpack weighed her down and made her back begin to ache. The previous night was a late one, that included studying for finals until three this morning.

[y/n] finally arrived at the small coffee shop and threw her backpack in a small booth near the door. She dug a few crumpled bills out of her jean shorts and made her way to the counter. A waiter and a waitress were busy bring out cups of coffee. The two baristas bustled around behind the counter rushing to fill orders. [y/n] arrived at the counter just as the short blonde barista wandered off to go make some sort of drink.

"I'll be right with you."

[y/n] sighed and waited patiently playing with the hem of her white t-shirt for the barista to return. The blonde girl gave [y/n] an apologetic smile, "What can I get you?"

"A tall cup of your darkest roast to go."

The barista raised an eyebrow, "do you want any cream or sugar?"

[y/n] shook her head.

"Alright your total is $4.39 then."

[y/n] gave the money owed and thanked the girl. She had just turned around when the waiter whom she now realized was her age and exceptionally attractive, crashed into her. Coffee spilt all over [y/n] leaving her a soaking mess. The coffee had caused her shirt to cling to her figure. She thanked to the stars and back she was wearing a plain gray sports bra, and not the hot pink one, that was sitting out begging her to wear it.

[y/n] cursed as she looked up at the boy, whose face was a bright shade of red.

"I am so sorry, you came out of nowhere and I was bringing the coffee to the table and-"

"It's fine." She cut him off, "do you guys have a bathroom I can clean up in?"

"Not really..." He winced at his own answer.

"Do you have any shirts I could buy or something."

Nervously he stuttered out a quiet, "no."

[y/n] groaned and ran a hand through her hair. Well now what am I gonna do. My dorm is too far away and there is no way I'll make there and to class.

"I may have an idea though."


"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Yeah I can just wear my work shirt."

The two stood in the employee locker room, or a small room with few cubbies to shove their stuff. [y/n] was dressed in the waiter's oversized red and black striped sweater. She had tucked the front in but the back reached down a little past the shorts giving the appearance from behind that she wasn't wearing any.

"I'm [y/n] by the way."


The two stood quietly staring at eachother, almost daring the other to speak first. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the short blonde barista glaring at him.

"Jeon Jungkook you are not payed to stare goo-goo eyes at the girl you spilled coffee on, get back to work." The girl walked out of the room leaving Jungkook with a red-ish color staining his cheeks and rather flustered.

"I should get back to work..." He trailed off looking at the [h/c] girl, "I-I'd uhh like to see you again."

He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, with an embarrassed grin on his face. [y/n]'s face tinted pink at the attractive boys suggestion. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the receipt from her coffee.

"Do you have a pen?"

Jungkook fumbled to pull one off of his back pocket, and handed it to her quickly. [y/n] scribbled on the receipt, before handing the two items to Jungkook. He shoved them both in his pocket as [y/n] began to exit the room.

"I have to give you your sweater back anyway."

"Keep it."

[y/n] peered back at Jungkook, who stood grinning inside the locker room.

"It looks better on you anyway."

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