4 : J i n

48 3 0


warnings: slight sexual content

Jin had to get dragged out of bed by Jimin. There was no way he was doing this.

"Common, Jinie, we need to hurry!"

"Why should I come anyways?" Jin questioned his friend.

Jimin pondered for a moment before responding with ease, "Because you're my favorite watcher, idiot."

Jin rolled his eyes. He was always getting dragged around the city to record stupid dares that Jimin did. It was all because of that game called Nerve. Jin decided he would rather drown in a vat of boiling tar than be a player. Being a player meant being stupid (or that's what Jin thought). He didn't understand the game, or what made people want to do it. The money, of course, but Jin had a bad feeling the whole thing would backfire on people.

As Jimin pulled Jin out of the apartment and out onto the sidewalks of the bustling city, Jimin blabbered about the girl he met the other night through a dare.

"You should've been there! She was beautiful! I called her and asked her if she wanted to meet me at the club tonight for my next dare, but she had work anyways. So, we're going out to get breakfast tomorrow morning."

Jin listened to Jimin go on and on about this girl. It made him have the urge to meet someone. All too soon, Jimin came to a sudden halt in front of a building pumping out loud music. Jin sucked in a deep breath. The signs of the club made Jin weary— It's not like he went out clubbing every night. Jimin grabbed onto his forearm and dragged him in.

The darkness hit Jin's eyes as if he had run into a brick wall. He blinked several times trying to adjust to the lack of lighting. Jin could just make out Jimin's signature smile in the flashing lights.

"Okay, let's do this," Jimin said full of confidence.

Jimin handed Jin his iPhone and the two boys walked further into the club. The air reeked of sweat and vodka. Bodies and more bodies were pressed up against each other. Jin tried to hide his blush as he made eye contact with a gorgeous girl on the dance floor. Jimin dragged his friend to the glowing bar and made him sit on one of the bar stools.

"You stay here. I have to go up to a random girl and dance with her, got it?"

Jin nodded before questioning his friend, "What about the girl from last night?"

Jimin pondered a bit, "It's not like I'm going to do anything bad, Jin."

"Fair enough."

When the words were done leaving Jin's lips, Jimin turned on his heel and walked to the middle of the dancefloor. Jin new the drill by now. He held up Jimin's phone and started recording his friend dance with pretty girls all around the club. After about five minutes of dancing, Jimin came over to Jin at the bar. Jimin was covered in a layer of sweat and the smile on his face was contagious.

Jin gave his friend his phone back and leaned back onto the glowing counter of the bar.

"You make it look so easy," Jin huffed.

"What!" Jimin shouted, "I can't hear you over the music!"

Jin rolled his eyes and shouted back, "Nothing!"

Annoyed with his friend, Jin took his old phone out from his pocket and went on the familiar site of Nerve. He scrolled thru the watchers page. He noticed someone, that wasn't Jimin, that was dared to come to this club. He clicked on the profile, and a live stream of the club he was sitting in popped up on screen.

"Go, [y/n]! Just do it already!" Jin barely heard the person filming say.

Jin squinted his eyes as he noticed a familiar face on his phone screen. It was the girl he had made contact with earlier. He glanced up from his phone to see the girl not far away from his spot. She looked around the club eagerly while biting her nails. She looked over in his direction and...

Jin tried to look away, but he wasn't fast enough. The girl started walking towards him and his heart skipped a beat. No, no, no! Jin thought to himself, I'm not getting into this. Nuh uh. There's no way in hell.

The girl was latched onto his arm and pulling him out to the dancefloor before he new it. Jin couldn't move as he stared into the girls [y/e/c] eyes. There was something about her that was captivating. She bite her bottom lip which only caused Jin to blush more.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

Suddenly, the beautiful girl put her butt to his...

Jin's eyes widened as he felt her swaying against him. Oh. With impulse, Jin grabbed the girl's hips and started swaying along with her. He could feel himself starting to sweat and his blush seemed to be a permanent thing on his cheeks. She grabbed his hands as they were dancing and squeezed tightly. They danced threw exactly three songs before the girl pulled away.

She turned to him and immediately started spewing out words, "I'm SO sorry! I can't believe I just did that! I knew this game was stupid, I'm so so so sorry! I can't imagine how awkward that must've been for you. Trust me, I'm usually not like this! I swear!"

Jin just stared at her for a moment before replying with the only words he could muster, "It's fine."

She gave him a sad smile and held out her hand, "I'm [y/n] and I just made a complete fool out of myself didn't I?"

Jin shrugged, "I liked it. I guess."

He shook [y/n]'s hand and looked up at her beautiful face. Jin noticed a smile slowly growing on her lips. It quickly disappeared a second later.

"Again, I'm sorry. It was all for this stupid game called Nerve. I'll leave you be, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

She turned on her heel and without thinking, Jin grabbed her arm.

"Hey, um, you didn't."

She tilted her head to the side a bit, "No?"

Jin shook his head and gave her a small smile, "It was kinda fun."

The girl chuckled, "I guess it kind of was, wasn't it"

Jin shoved his hands in his pockets and tapped his foot, "But all that dancing made me kind of thirsty. How about you?"

"Oh, for sure," [y/n] said nodding vigorously.

"Would you like to get a drink?" Jin asked while motioning to the bar.

"I'd love to." 

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