6 : J i m i n

128 5 0


Park fucking Jimin.

The ladies man of all ladies men. [y/n] figured it was one of his many talents. But in all clarity, Jimin was hot. [y/n] wasn't denying that fact, but Park Jimin also showed all the signs of an A grade fuckboy. It sucked but it was the crude reality. All the hot ones were fuckboys these days... But there was something about him that made [y/n] crave more. More of Jimin.

[y/n] sat uncomfortably on a set of bleachers on the pool deck. Her tight swimsuit was making her feel quite uncomfortable. [y/n] hated gym class. She hated every moment off it. She hated the swimming unit the most. The only pro of the swimming unit was that the pool was outside and [y/n] wouldn't mind a good tan.

Mrs. Rivers, the gym teacher, was pacing around the pool deck waiting for all her students to get out of the locker rooms. Taehyung sat to the right of her, his arm wrapping around a very pretty girl. [y/n] was happy Taehyung had found someone. He deserved it. Of course with his very charismatic personality, [y/n] wasn't surprised he finally had a girlfriend.

"Of course, Jimin, you're three minutes late. Good thing we haven't started," Mrs. Rivers announced with a smile.

Mrs. Rivers was the type to pick favorites. Jimin was definitely one of those favorites.

Jimin was walking towards the rest of the class, abs glistening in the sun. He was running a hand through his dark locks. [y/n] couldn't keep her eyes off of Jimin's muscular thighs. They were thighs crafted with pure magic. Or at least that's what [y/n] thought.

Jimin took a seat in her row next to V's girlfriend. Jimin started to play with Taehyung's girlfriend's hair before Taehyung smacked him away.

"Okay class," Mrs. Rivers announced, "Since we are ending our swimming unit, I'm going to give you guys a free day. Just don't cause any trouble please."

The class bolted off the bleachers like a back of wild animals. [y/n] slowly pushed herself off the bleachers and looked around. She didn't really have any friends in this class, so she was on her own. [y/n] noticed the lifeguard stand a little bit away and decided that was a good option. Just as she had gotten to the stairs leading up to the stand, another body met hers. [y/n] turned to whoever was trying to take her claimed spot.

Of course it was Park Jimin.

"Back off the chair. I claimed it," [y/n] told him with all her mustered up courage.

"I didn't hear you say anything," Jimin added with a smirk.

She pointed to her head, "You see, but I did."

Jimin leaned against the lifeguard chair with that smirk still on his lips, "Doesn't count."

They stood there looking at eachother for a moment until [y/n] sprinted up the small steps and plopped down in the hard plastic chair. She looked back down to see Jimin standing there with his hands on his hips.

"Fine, fine. Ladies first," he said in surrender.

[y/n] nodded satisfied with herself. Then the fact of the matter sunk in. She had put Jimin in his place and it felt good. The warm L.A. sun was still beating down on her skin, causing [y/n] to sweat a bit. She spent the class twisting around the lifeguard chair watching everyone in the pool. Taehyung and his girl were splashing each other while having a giggle fit.

It was so cute it made [y/n] sick.

After sitting in the lifeguard chair for a while, [y/n] decided it was a good time to stand up and stretch. Wrong.

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