2 : V

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Walking into a new school, knowing nobody, was particularly difficult for [y/n].

A million things were bouncing about her temples as she walked through the front doors of the school.

There were a few people in the hallways - boys and girls who chatted in segregated groups. [y/n] kept her eyes down, focused on the old tiled floor.

[y/n] reached into her black, red, and white blazer pocket to pull out a crumpled piece of paper. She glanced of the typed words and looked for her homeroom.

She was nearing her room. She could tell my the numbers listed by each room. And then, with great dismay, she found her destination. The loud voices made [y/n] rethink herself. She could probably leave and not get caught... But she stood frozen, looking at the daunting room in front of her.

As she was wrapping her delicate fingers around the handle of the door, another set of fingers grazed hers. She quickly pulled away and looked at the person she hadn't noticed standing to her left.

And he was... wow.

Her sat there, ruffling his peach colored hair and adjusting the color of his white button down. [y/n] couldn't help but study him.

Along with his smooth skin and cute eyes, the boy was about 5'10" and had triangle earrings in both earlobes. His white colored shirt was untucked and his black pants seemed old. His black converse were scuffed in many different places. [y/n] looked at her white converse that were equally beaten up.

His eyes looked at with [y/n] a load of curiosity. She fumbled for the door handle and pushed open firmly. She tried her best to ignore the presence of the cute boy behind her. There were dozens of kids in the room who were too absorbed in their own things to notice the new girl that walked in.

The middle aged man, Mr. Hermansen, looked like a homeroom teacher that didn't quite want to be at school. Or even be a teacher for that matter. [y/n] scanned for an open seat. She would take anything at this moment.

The peach haired fellow pushed passed her. She just realized that there were two white headphones shoved into his ears. Some students waved at him as he walked by, and he returned the waves with a quick grin.

The best, if not only, option was to go talk to Mr. Hermansen. She made her way over to the intense looking teacher. Butterflies were beating wildly in her stomach.

"Excuse me, is here an open seat anywhere I can take? I'm a new student."

Mr. Hermansen gave [y/n] a glare before pointing somewhere in the back.

"You can sit back there at that empty table," He said in a nasally voice.

[y/n] quickly nodded finding the open seat she didn't see before. Some people watched her as she went to the back of the room and plopped down at an empty table. The tables were meant for two to sit at each, but she didn't mind sitting alone.

She set her head into her hands and watched the clock. A voice that whispered in her ear a second later caused her to jump.

"Hey," a low and soothing voice said. "You're new."

She turned to her right to see the peach haired boy sitting beside her. [y/n] nodded slowly.

"Good observation."

He smirked before holding out his hand to shake, "I'm Kim Taehyung. I go by Taehyung or V though. Whichever you prefer."


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