I went into my bathroom and got some band aids and covered up the cuts I had. I had to get some ice if I wanted to stop the bruises from swelling but I couldn't bother. I passed out on my bed. My parents wouldn't be home till tomorrow and my brother had moved out a while ago so I was home alone. I wasn't expecting anything, I was sure I was gonna be fine. But I was wrong.....

I woke up to the sound of glass breaking. I listened carefully and intently. What the hell? I thought out loud before I suddenly realized what was happening. Someone was breaking in. I tried to run for my baseball bat behind my bed, but I was still sore from the fight. What was I gonna do, I couldn't fight anyone like this.

I managed to grab it and I got my phone and called the police and told them everything. The operator asked for my address and I gave it to her. She told me to stay put and that I had done the right thing, but then I heard footsteps creaking up the stairs. I took the phone from my ear and gripped the baseball bat with both hands. I gulped.

"Hello? Hello! Hello is anybody there! HELLO-" the operator said before I hung up the phone. I got up shakily, the soreness I had felt was now gone as my body was overwhelmed with adrenaline. I walked straight up to my door, quietly, not making a sound. I knew my parents' safe was upstairs, and I knew that Dad had left the code in the kitchen draw, although we told him not to. Whoever found it probably was going to the room to find the safe. That safe had A LOT of money in there. I was never told how, but I knew that we couldn't lose it.

There was definitely a robber in my house, I could here them going into my parents room. I gulped and clenched my teeth as I listened to them rummaging through my parents room. They couldn't find it. They had the safe hidden very well. The hid it in my room. If you were a robber, you would look in the parents' room for the cash, not the little girl's room. When they put it there they told me that it might put me at risk but I was willing to take that chance. I wasn't afraid.

The robber slowly opened the door to my room and as soon as I had a clear shot, I swung the bat right into their head. It was a wooden bat though, not a metal one. The woman fell to the ground with a thud. She might of been in her late twenties or early thirties and she had long brown hair. She was wearing a long trench coat so I couldn't see what she was wearing. I kept hitting her over and over again until she slashed something sharp and me. I jumped back. It was a knife.

I fell on the ground and crippling fear took over as I realized my life was in danger. "Now listen hear you little brat!" She screamed at me. "You're gonna stay in hear and be quiet or else you can deal with my blade!" Then I was filled with anger. This woman came into my house and was trying to steal my family's money and threatening me! "No!" I screamed as I tackled her legs.

She stumbled back further and further until we had reached the stairs and I threw her down, still holding onto her. We both landed at the bottom. My sore body ached and she was moaning and groaning on the ground. She was reaching for her knife but I kicked it away. "Come on! FIGHT ME!" I yelled. I didn't know how to use the knife properly, I knew I would die if I used it. She would just get it away from me and then end my life. My best chance is what I knew how to do... well, kinda.

She got up and angry spread across her face. "You wanna fight huh. If that's what you want I'll give it to ya!" She yelled as she ran towards me. I began wildly kicking and throwing punches at her, like I always did. She was dodging me easily. She was laughing at me. She got a clean upper cut on me and I stumbled back. I almost fell but I caught my balance.

I was gonna do this. I was gonna beat her.

I wiped the blood from my mouth and watched her movements, she came in from another upper cut but I blocked it and punched her throat. She grabbed it and choked a little and I used my chance and kick her in her thigh, the swiftly in her ankle. She fell hard on the ground but as I expected, got back up. By watching her fighting style I figured out that she was like me, throwing punches and kicks wildly, while I had become much more precise and I was becoming somewhat like Sasha.

I repeatedly the process several times on her, kicking her thighs and ankles until she was too weak to stand. Then I ran to the fireplace and grabbed the fireplace poker. "No please!" she begged. Tears came streaming down her face and she cleared her throat. "Look, we got off on the wrong foot okay. I-I'm Maple. I'm sorry for doing this its just been hard for me-"

"It's hard for all of us," I snapped.

"I know, I know and I was selfish and I tried to take from others but it's not right! I realize that now please... Please don't hurt me. I'll leave! I'll never come back... No in fact I'll stay, I'm pretty sure you called the police already. They'll arrest me and I'll face my time in jail," she whimpered.

How pathetic! She came into my house and struck fear into my heart and hurt me. Then she just expected me to forgive her? Like hell. She was gonna get what she deserved.

"No... No no. NO NO PLEAS-" she cried out as I stuck the fireplace poker through her eye, killing her instantly. I knew I would get away with it. She broke into my house and by law I had the right to kill her. Then I heard a sound. Someone was opening the front door. I had forgotten to lock it! I quickly ran to the small closet we had for shoes and jackets by the front door and hid in it.

So she has an accomplice now does she, I thought in my mind. I tapped lightly on the door, bringing their attention to it. As soon as they opened it I charged them. We fell on the ground and I looked at the accomplice's face.

It was Alyssa.

She must of come to check up on me and look what I've done. Now there were going to be two dead bodies in my house. Alyssa lay on the ground below me. She was choking and gurgling her blood and even spat some of it out and it touched my face. The fireplace poker had gone through her stomach and she was probably gonna die. I heard sirens and saw the flashing red and blue lights.

"H-help... me" Alyssa begged as I got up to face the police. She held onto my hand but she was to weak and I easily slid out of her grasp. My door was wide open and I walked out to them. The paramedics could try and save here, but I'm pretty sure she was going to die. I walked out to greet the police. Some paramedics rushed passed me to Alyssa.

"No pulse," I heard one of them say.

I walked to the police car as an officer began to ask if I was okay before leading me to the back of a car. What an eventful day. But the only thing I was excited about was testing out my new found moves on Sasha.

I got off Scott-free, just as expected.

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