Gradually slowing the kiss down, I broke our contact.
"Why stop?" she moaned a little, wanting more.
I replied whilst giving her a sincere smile. "You know why. Besides, Rhi emphasised that she didn't want a repeat of what she had discovered about Matt." I finished with a chuckle.
"Fine." She grabbed some jeans out of her draws. "Buy you owe me Mr Lake!" She teased and began to put her jeans on.

"Owe you what?" I questioned with a small smirk when I knew exactly what she meant. Winding her up was kind of fun.
"More kisses!" She said, frustration laced in her tone.

Part of me knew that she wanted more affection from me because it distracted her from the reality of what happened yesterday. When I found out that Joel approached her twice, I was fuming. But a small part of me was proud of her punching him, although, she wouldn't stop moaning that her hand hurt from getting him square in the nose.

Realizing that Matt had warned her about him in the first place made me feel guilty that I didn't see it coming. It made me want to isolate myself because I didn't want Laura to be with someone who can't spot a risk and can't protect her. It all fell back down to me not being able to protect and help my sister.

I couldn't do that to either of us though because seeing how she instantly felt safe and relaxed when I came to her rescue made me realise we both need each other, more than we think we do.


♢ Laura ♢

If I told you that I was in a good way, I would be lying. I was happy that Joel was gone and I wouldn't get hurt anymore but everything came rushing back and I just wanted it all to go away.

It was like all my wounds were raw and fresh again, both mentally and physically. They were finally scarring but now they had been torn back open. It was hard to sleep last night, but I'm glad Ryan was there to hold me tight. It was what I needed to keep myself sane.

Needing a distraction, I decided to focus on what to get Ryan for his birthday. I was stuck for ideas until Katie said something that gave me an idea.

"I'm still so proud of how brave you were when you sang in front of everyone."

My eyes widened with glee as I now knew what to do for Ryan's birthday.
"YES!" I jumped up from my bed. "Thank you!" I ran up to Katie and squeezed her. The look of confusion on her face made me laugh.
"What an earth are you on about?"
"I'll explain later." I squirmed with excitement and grabbed my jacket, heading out of the cabin. I needed to find Matt.

I knew I was going to sing to Ryan as part of his birthday present and I have one song in mind, but I knew there was something missing as I needed to give him the letter from Lacey.

I barged into the boys cabin.
"Matt, I've got a brill-" I blurted out and realised Matt wasn't in the cabin, Ryan was asleep on his bed. Instantly feeling guilty, I turned to leave as I knew he must have been knackered from looking after me and having to take part in some activities earlier. Ryan slowly sat up and I couldn't hide the smile on my face.

"Someone's cheerful this evening." He smirked and ran a hand through his messy bed hair. My eyes dropped to his bare torso.
"Someone's sleepy this evening." I smiled at him, lingering in the door way. I needed to find Matt, but I couldn't resist a conversation with the guy I had been falling for, especially when he was topless.

"Falling in love is hard work." He looked at me plainly before cracking a genuine smile.
"That was probably the cheesiest, yet cutest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth." I moved towards him and he shrugged a little before replying "I try."

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