I opened my eyes to see Jace sitting down and Tia and Jasper staring at me like I did something wrong... "What did I do wrong?" I was looking down at my shoes.

Tia chuckled, "You did nothing wrong, you just stopped without anyone pulling you away, we are amazed you have self control and this is your second feed."

I smiled, "I just didn't want to hurt him." Tia rolled her eyes, "What ever, practice on Holden and this time go longer."

I nodded, I walked over to Holden, he was starring at me with lust. I reached up and cupped his face, sending pleasure through his body.. I smile and take his lips with mine, I bit him lower lip making him groan. I pull back and part my lips, I open my eyes and I look into Holden's eyes as I suck the chi out of his mouth.

It was green again, I wonder why it was green. After about 2 minutes, I pulled back and led Holden to a chair, he looked exhausted.

I hugged him and walked over to Tia, "Why is the chi I suck out of people green and why is the chi you suck blue?" She smiled, "Every succubus's color chi they suck is different, mine will always be blue, your will be green... the colors represent how much power you hold."

I nodded, "What are the order of colors, weakest to strongest." Tia sighed and listed them off... "White,









Blue, and


Your the most powerful succubus ive ever met." She smiled and me and gave me a hug. "You are powerful Calla, never forget what I have told and taught you... You mean something to this world, your to important to waste away... If you ever need me ill always be here..." She whispered. She leaned back, and smiled before shimmering into a bunch of sparkles and light.

I look over at Jasper, frowning, "what happened??" Jasper smirked, "She teleported to where she wanted to go, Im happy you learned as much as you did today, nymphs will be visiting later, be ready." Jasper walked off into the house.

I sigh, I can never get a break. I smile running over to Jace and Holden, "I'm so happy I learned how to be a succubus! Did you know that if im hurt I can heal from having sex or from doing sexual things if I didn't want to suck someones chi?"

They shook their heads, they blushed when I was talking about 'sexual things' I laugh. "I cant go without feeding for three days, so it looks like you two will be my main meal." I wink at them, they groan.

"COME ON! It cant be that bad! Its only your chi, and you feel amazing while it happens, don't be babys." I pouted. Holden stood up and picked me up in his arms, "Babe its not bad, it just drains us. You know, in this war we could use you, if you got really good, maybe you can seduce the whole werewolf army to let us finish them off."

Holden started laughing, I frowned, "I wont seduce a bunch of werewolfs, im not a show girl." Holden smirked, "Your right your our girl!" Holden smiled at Jace. Jace didn't look happy. I hopped down from Holden and strattled Jace's lap. "Whats wrong? Did I suck to much from you?"

I felt bad that I hurt him... Jace sighed. "You didn't hurt me babe, im just sad I have to share my mate, but its ok I don't mind sharing with Holden, I just don't like you being soo... powerful, it makes you a threat to everyone in the world and they will try to knock you down."

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