I went out into the dinning room to see a huge ass table, that sits like 70 people, with everyone in seats, jeez i wasnt going to serve anyone, i was the quest but i did cook. I saw the table was set and there were room for the dishes of food in the middle.

I turned around and got all of the food in one trip, because i was awesome. People took the food from me and started passing it around. I didnt know where to sit, "Hey Calla! Come sit by me!" i looked up to see Luke motioning me to come sit with him... Thank GOD! it would be awkward to sit next to a complete stranger.

I sat down and watched as everyone dug in, i wanted to make sure everyone got their food first but Luke demended i took what i wanted... I felt eyes on me and i took four ribs, green bean casorol and one corn on the cob.

After i was finished everyone started taking the food like they were starving. JEEZ! These people can eat. After a couple minutes people started talking and laughing.

"So who's the new girl? Why didnt she has a ceremony to welcome her to the pack?" I looked over and saw the boy was about 19 and he had blonde hair and black eyes.

Pack? OMG! These people are werewolfs. I became uncomfortabe knowing they could all hurt me. But i cant show weakness i was powerful too... even though i dont know how to use my powers.

"Im not part of the pack dumb ass, their would have been a ceremony if i was. Luke is a responsible alpha, he would just 'let me in' im a guest here. I am not a werewolf."

Luke and everyone else in the room looked at me with wide eyes. Yeah i know about werewolfs bitches!!!! Luke coughed and met my eyes. "How do you know about the faye world?"

I laughed, "My mother is mated to a werewolf, and so am I... You didnt see my mark?" I pushed my hair away from my neck exposing Jace's mark. Everyone gasped when they saw it.

Luke looked scared for a minute but masked it. "Your mark is... so unique, it means power and strength....Is your mate the alpha of blood eclipse pack?"

I smiled, "Yes he is, and everyone has been telling me that, but its just a mark. Im new to this world and stuff.

Luke looked at me curoiously, "Calla we all know your not human, your scent is like no one else's ive ever met.... what are you?" OH GOD!

I cant tell them! I need to lie.. "I am human, Jace masks me scent so others dont know im human."

Luke nodded but he didnt buy that. I need to go home... what if mom never calls back? i am starting to worry. I look a Luke and hes staring at me... as if hes wondering what to do with me.

I sigh. "Ill just walk back if my mom dosnt call." Luke laughs, nonsense ill just drive you, i know where his pack is." I nodd, and smiled at him. See i knew he was nice. Gosh, all of that running made me very tired. All of the sudden i heard loud growls and bangs from the next room, people were running into the living room and yelling.

I made everyone move out of my way so i could see what was happening. OMG! Jace and Holden were here, they looked pissed. "Where is Calla!!!" Jace growled, sniffing the air.

He eyes shot to mine, i winced and walked backwards, his eyes were darker then ive ever seen them... he followed me, i hit something hard, I turned around and saw it was Luke, he didnt look happy to see Jace.

Luke pushed me behind him and growled at Jace. "GIVE ME MY MATE YOU BITCH!" Jace roared... Oh jeez im in a lot of trouble.

Jace tackled Luke the to ground, fights broke out all around me. I was panicking. I saw Holden and he was running towards me, i was so scared i jumped into his arms. He held me to him and whispered, "Ill get you out of here baby." I nodded and looked at his sweet face through my tears.

Holden bent down and kissed my lips, it was soft and sweet, his mouth moved slowly against mine, building pressure as the kiss lasted longer. I remebered where we were and pushed his lips off mine, Holden didnt look hurt, he looked on guard.

He ran out into the clearing near the woods.He set me down on my feet and shifted. EWWW! Bone crunching makes me want to vomit!

Holden looked at me, "Dude, i cant shift." I rolled my eyes. Holden lied down on the ground, was i supposed to ride him??? (hehehe dirty moment) I got up on his back and held on to his fur. He howled into the night as if signaling someone, probably Jace, telling him i was safe.

Holden was running so fast that i almost fell off from the wind slapping me in the face as he ran. I was so cold and tired, i just wanted to pass out. I could feel my breathing quicken.

URGH! I need to shut my eyes. When we wernt moving anymore i opened my eyes and saw i was home. Home sweet home i have missed you!! I looked over at Holden to see him standing in front of me fully clothed now and in human form. I was so tired, and now that i knew i was safe i shut my eyes and let sleep take over.


I woke up to see the sky above me and the soft grass beneath me. I lifted my head but regretted it as if started to hurt and feel like fifty pounds. I looked around ignoring the pain to see Jasper, Jace and Holden deep in conversation in lawn chairs, and my Mother and Marco cuddling on a outside couch.

Why was i on the ground and outside??? What the hell. I moved to get up and everyones eyes were on me. I felt dizzy once i was on my feet. I Ignored the feeling and looked at everyone, they all looked concered.

The only person that spoke up was Jasper, "Calla, you shouldnt have ran, feeding on sexual energy is your nature, You might have caused a war between Blood Eclipse pack and the Dark Dawning." I walked over to Jace and Holden and hugged them both,

I muttered a thank you to both of them for saving me. I sat on Jace's lap and faced Jasper, "You shouldnt have left me alone with out knowing it could happen any time. Also Luke didnt do anything wrong, he took me in cause i was lost in the woods. I made dinner and everyone talked."

Jasper cut me off, "I dont care about what happened, taking you in and lefting you stat there without having your mates consent is breaking pack rules.

He should have returned you to us immediatly. Everyone can smell Jace and Holden all over you, he knew you belonged to an alpha but ignored it, he wanted to start war so he got it!"


I yelled and everyone fliniched including Jasper and my Mother. I turned around and stomped towards my house, "Calla wait!" Jasper yelled, i simply flipped him off and kept going till i was up in my room.

I cant believe people think i 'belong' to a man! I am no ones possession, i am my own person. I can live with out everyone, on my own easily. War is stupid for letting me stay for dinner.

I am honestly not liking the faye world at all. I sighed. and went to the bathroom to take a shower, i smelt like grass and woods. 20 minutes later i walk out of the shower feeling fresh and relaxed. I see Jasper sitting on my bed waiting for me.

I sigh, "I need to get dressed so turn your back to me." Jasper nods and turns around, I walk over to my dresser and closet, i pull out yoga leggings and a black tanktop, i grap my running shoes and socks and underwear and a sports bra and walk over to my bed and lay it put. I get dressed quickly and sit on my bed pulling my shoes on.

Jasper walks to sit in front of me, "Im sorry about earlier, i know your no ones possession, i was just mad about the possiblity of war. Forgive me? Also i have people waiting for you down stairs, plus its good your dressed for a work out, you have faye training."

He walked out of my room grinning. Faye training??? What the hell? Oh well, i can kick anyones ass, i might as well get started on my training...

Hey guys!!! I hope you like this update, i am going to try to make my chapters longer because you guys deserves it! My book has 1,007 reads last time i checked! Thank you all for reading my book! Now i just want more votes ;) When you read dont forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow me!!! Love you all!!!! <3333333

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