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Jaycob's point of view:
I grinned while looking at the mirror in front of me.
"Okay I get it you look good now stop staring at yourself." Liam chuckled while walking towards me. He looked good in a black tux matching mine. He fixed my boe tie for me.
"Ready Knight?" He smirked as I nodded. We both walked out.
The wedding music played as everyone was seated on either the left or the right of the red carpet. After a minute she walked towards me. My breath got stuck in my throat asI looked at my beautiful angel. Her black hair wasin a bun, a few tendrils which were curled fell on her face. her make up was super light. A light winged liner which enhanced her beautiful blue eyes. A pink tint covered her plum lips. her white wedding dress was extremely beautiful. She walked towards me with her arm tangled with Morris'. He handed her to me and nodded at me as I did the same back.

"You look amazing" I whispered in her ear while grinning. A blush crept on her cheeks as she smiled lightly.
"Alisa you're supposed to compliment me back" I chuckled at her as she snorted.
"Well you look ugly" She stuck her tongue out at me. I just chuckled at her. Soooo you must be confused eh? Let's go back 2 years. Janiella shot Alisa. I shot Janiella. Janiella died Alisa survived. Alisa was in a 6 month comma. Everyone had gave up on her until one day I went into her room and whispered "I love you" in her earand she jolted up and slapped me on the cheek and guess what she said 'I was supposed to say that first'. I chuckled at the memory. We dated. Cat and Caleb have a one year old son named Alec. Liam is engaged to a Latino. While I am getting married to Alisa. I remembered how I proposed.
We walked down the pathway in the park hand in hand. I was still not used to her warmth towards my hand. We walked with ice creams in one hands. Alisa was in an intense session of eating her ice cream. I chuckled at her and stopped. So did she.

"What?" She groaned and turned towards me. I smiked at her and threw the rung bix at her face. She caught it and glared at me. She opened it and gasped.
"You're marrying me" I casually said as she snorted.

"I never said yes" She smirked while facing me. I mirrored her position.
"oh really?" She nodded as I chuckled.
"well you are"
flash back end.
I leaned in and kissed Alisa as she did the same. The priest groaned.
"i never said you can kiss the bride!" He whined as i groaned.
"You take so looong" I whined back. Alisa smacked the back of my head as i turned to her while pouting. She chuckled and pecked me on the cheeks lightly.
"Start again would ya?" She winked as we all laughed. This is what happiness truly is. Alisa brought happiness back to me in my life. It is funny how everything changes from me to punching her   to me kissing her. This is our happily ever after.
a/n: This is the end. I know it sucked but deal with it boitches. So my new story is 19. It was a great journey with you guys and to be honest i will miss happiness reborn. I might add a bonus chapter or something but rn this is it. Dun dun dunnnn I would love it if you would check out my new story which is 19. It would be published probably after 22nd December. until then Peace. Abiha the nutella lover is out...  

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