"Take a picture it will last longer sweet heart"

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"Ugh what's with all the commotion?!" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Cat standing at the door with her back holding it back. She had tha briad she made last night all messed up and my pink sweats and white tank.

"Those idiots are going bonkers there is some football match on the T.V" She ran her fingers through her hair to settle down her bed hair. Catalina is really beautiful I mean even in bed hair!

"Ill check them" I slowly dragged myself from the bed out into the living room and immediately regretted it. Yup I forgot my wig and lens. I ran back inside. This is getting so hard I need to think of something. I put on my wig and lens and went out. I had my black sweater on till my thighs and some white shorts.

"OKAY UP UP GO GET SOME BREAKFAST!" I yelled making no affect on the boys. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I stood infront of the T.V and galred at them.

"What?" Caleb looked at me dumb founded.


After hours of fighting and arguing me and Liam made breakfast. Pancakes, egg, french toast and some omelette. We ate with them messing around, seriously Caleb put egg on Axels hair. These boys are so immature, they have this bad and arrogant vibe in school who knew they were so child like from the inside. The bell rang so I got up to check while laughing at the stupidness of Liam.

Just as I opened the door I put up a straight and emotionless face to see Jeffry stabding there. Jeffry was about 20 sandy brown hair matched with black eyes, tan skin and like everyone else in our mafia big muscles. He was also one of the men.

"Yeah?" I talked with an arrogant voice. Yup being the leader isn't easy you have to be tough and angry.

"Evening boss" He straightened up a bit, "Morris wanted the papers". Yeah I know boss is a bit too much but meh its alright.

"Okay wait here" I walked back in as everyone looked at me. "Oh its someone from my uncle he wants some documents" I smiled at them as they all went oooh.

"Uncle Morris?" Cat raised an eyebrow and I chuckled while replying with a yes.

"Here you go oh and Jeffry I heard Dayton is messing with the trade?" We had trading business of guns with some smaller gangs. I was feared through out the mafias no matter if it is South, East or West we were the North.

"Yeah boss he hasn't send back the papers even if his contract ends next year. Do you want me to work on it?" Oh so dayton got scared again eh?

"Nah don't worry Ill handle it myself." I smirked to myself and closed the door, walking back to the bunch of idiots except Cat of course.

"So who will come with me to school for a last check up?" I rubbed my hands together and heard all of them groan. "Well I have to pick up Brooklyn too so I will go" Jaycob stood up and put his plate in the kitchen. 

"Okay goodie!" I got my thick wayfarers to cover my eyes from the bright sun and made my way to his car. He came too after a minute jogging in. I was pretty excited to meet Brooklyn again.

"Brook is at my aunt just gotta pick her and" He turned towards me "Can you please baby sit her for an hour or two at your place?" He started doing all those puppy eyes and pouting. So adorabl- I mean *cough* ugly...

"Sure YAAAS I love brooklyn!" He chuckled at my excitement and turned forward turning on the engine. I looked out the window staring at all the blur objects passing by us. Heathen played slowly on the radio. I looked over at Jaycob.

His black eye was better now almost invisible you could just see a light grey outline on his eye. His bruise was gone but he still had the cut on his lip. It had that brownish cover on it though. Swelling was gone too. I wonder what happened to him.. His features are so handsome. Im just laying out the facts folks dont flip. His sharp jawline perfect brown tangled hair, and perfect dreamy light brown eyes.

"Take a picture it will last longer sweet heart" He gave off a side smirk, I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily.

"Dude I dont wanna have heart attacks everytime I open my photo gallery." I leaned my head against the side and looked out the window to the blurry objects passin by us in full speed. Colors.. red, blue, black , white. Bikes and people.

"Touche I am hurt" He chuckled lightly. "So you excited to meet Brooke again?" My face lightened up I mean Brooke is extremely adorable and I loooooveeee her so I was pretty happy.

"Yuperoni" he chuckled at my word. Then the Brooklyn came in front of my eyes when she was dying.... White froth in her mouth, face going pale of life and her eyes pleading to make it stop pain washed all over her. I closed my eyes and felt a tears tickle down my eye opposite of Jaycob. He couldn't see it. Ace is a girl... This thought made me shudder I had always thought of Ace as some buff man. But that day he was a buff man.

"Hellooo? zoned out?" Jaycob snapped his finger infront of my eyes making me come back to the real world. I mumbled a sorry at him and we parked at a parking lot.

"Wait here I will go get Brooke" i nodded in response as his figure started to disappear in a big building.

Jaycob's point of view:

Damn my jaw still stings a bit when someone touches it. Stupid Caleb had to punch that hard. I saw Brooklyn running towards me so I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She is too cute for a four year old.

"JAY-JAY!" She squealed in delight (Thanks to Grey_Hazelnuts  for this nickname). I chuckled.

"You know that Alisa came to pick you up too" I could see excitement feeling her eyes as she jumped off of me and ran towards the parking lot. "SO YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE ME FOR ALISA EH?" I cupped my mouth while yelling out to her. She just turned and stick out her tongue at me then started running again.


Just as I walked toward the car I saw Alisa landing kisses on a chuckling Brooklyn's face. I walked in and started driving. They both were talking and chuckling in the back seat. I looked over at them through the rear mirror and something caught my eyes. Just near Alisa's ear there was a jet black strand of hair. It stick out trying to escape..... escape from a wig?! I narrowed my eyes at her. She looked at me and furrowed her brows.

"Take a picture it will last longer sweet heart" She mimicked my husky voice. Brooke cover her mouth and chuckled. I shook my head with confusion. I will ask her later.

I looked over at them again and this time they both were asleep. Damn that was fast. I chuckled to myself. Alisa had her head leaning back on the head set while Brook sat by her with her head on her chest and Alisa's arms wrapped around her. Cute...

"Dude seriously stop staring it is creepy" She said with her eyes closed and I turned away with embarrassment. Of course she knew I was staring. I sighed remembering I had to go to Him. I dont even know why He called when he knows we are busy with school. If only I could punch him..

A/N sorry if this chapter is shortI just had to get it out and my grandma passed away.... so it took longer to write i was busy and the second thing dont get confused I changed Jaycobs appearence from blonde and green eyes to brunette and hazel eyes and Cat's hair to light brown. Second I have been mixing up the names its Catalina not cataline and Morris not Marcus. and some changes i will edit soon but thank you so much for reading i loge ya all and i will be changing the story name and cover on this sunday wait what is the day right now? o.O oh nevermind well UNTIL NEXT TIME

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