Car accident, Boxer more and more lies..

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A/N: Hey guys thanks for reading!!! let's get on with the story! 

I saw as Caleb came and stood in front of our table with his devil smirk drawn across his face. I wish I could just punch it off. I saw as the whole squad came and stood near our table while Mr. I-run-into-ladies-but-don't-apologize was just going insane in his fast typing on his phone while following them. I could smell the troublesome aura around them filling around our table. 

"Can I help you?" Catalina said rolling her eyes towards them while Caleb had his eyes still on me.

"Maybe if you could shut up and stay out of the way Catalina" He said under his breathe. "So I see your strong enough to take the punch eh" He leaned in his hand trying to reach my chin where I was punched. I leaned away from him and he took his hand away. 

"Just take your bull shit and get out of here dude" i said annoyingly obviously who does he think he is talking to Cat like that and trying to touch me. He gave out a little chuckle and i saw Jaycob's eyes shot up towards me as he heard my voice. He looked at my anger and then towards Caleb in confusion. 

"Uh Caleb let's get out of here" He said slowly taking all the group's attention towards him. 

"Jaycob you can go we are just starting the fun". He smirked looking back at me. "And after all this angry kitten messed with my girlfriend huh?" He stared dead into my brown lens. Dude if only you knew I can chop you into pieces right now. 

"I'm sorry but you do know that she messed with Cat so I'm sorry  but punching her wouldn't be a problem for me either" I stared at him dead in the eye too but my eyes shifted to Jaycob as he gave off a small chuckle after my remark. I saw Caleb give him a death glare making him lip "sorry" towards him. 

"Alisa let's go we can have food at my place" I could see Catalina had enough of this so I gave her a slight nod and we were about to get up when Kimberley came up and slammed her palm on our table. 

"You don't get up unless we say you get up" She gave Catalina a death glare making Cat roll her eyes. 

"Sure my highness anything else? you know we can sleep until you guys continue to blabber your b-shit. " Okay that made me laugh. Nice one Cat. We both started to laugh as Kimberley stood there shaking with anger. I saw Jaycob holding in his laughter from the corner of my eyes. 

"Okaaaay you Kim let's calm down for a bit huh?" Axel spoke for the first time with Liam nodding with him. 

"Sorry Alisa for all this" Liam smiled gently at me and took Caleb by his arm towards the table in front of us and Axel took Kimberly. 

"Sorry.." Jaycob also turned around and walked towards them. 

"I swear they all are crazy" Catalina rolled her eyes I could see she didn't want the topic to turn up again.  "So I don't know anything about your family! you tell me something" I saw her face brighten up. 

Shnitzel! What do I tell her yeah my parent's were mafia and they were murdered. 

"Car accident.." I mumbled looking down at the smooth wood table. Even if I lied I was still hurt. I lost them... I lost the love of parents because of one stupid person! 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" she gasped as loud as she could getting Jaycob's attention and he stared at me for a while then going back into his phone. 

"Meh not your fault" I looked up at her with a grin on my face. That was when our food came and we ate and left. Without looking once at the group. 


"There are no more fries Cat leave the poor bag alone!" I chuckled while walking towards our car with Catalina shoving her hand in the paper bag looking for some more french fries. 

My car was parked at the park so we had to walk a bit. I stopped as I heard something crack under some one's feet I looked around to see who it was but no one was there making it clear that some one was following us. I made myself more alert. My eyes widen as I heard a small sound and the next thing I knew I covered Cat by holding her arms from the back. Dammit! I felt a small yet painful hit on my lower back. Paintball. I felt Cat tense up and I turned around to see the shooter. 

There were two boys with black masks from their looks they looked like our school jocks.Caleb. 

"Shit are those paintball guns?! they hurt bad!" I heard Cat squirm behind me. 

"Are you kidding me? Zander and Ben? come on I don't wanna hurt you go home already." I saw them get a bit startled as I said their names. But then they went back into their fighting stance griping onto the paintball guns and I rolled my eyes. 

They were standing not so away from us just a few steps behind us. I made a run for them dodging the paint balls continuously being shot at me. I got to them, I pulled onto Ben's gun and twisting around by elbowing him in the nose. With Ben's gun tip still in my hand I kicked Zander on the face as Ben held his nose. I gave him a strong punch on his jaw and gave Zander a left hook on his nose. They both fell while having their faces in their hands and i sighed while walking back to a surprised Catalina standing with wide eyes and a smirk 

"Are you kidding me?! That was insane!" Catalina squealed while staring at the boys and me while i grinned from ear to ear. But her facial expressions changed in a second.

"How did you learn that?" She had a straight face now and looked concerned "Didn't you get hit by a paintball" She went behind my back and gasped. 

"Nah the pain goes away slowly and my dad was a boxer so he taught me a stuff or two" I said lying at my fullest because one it hard bad and second my dad wasn't a boxer.

"Okay well though those poor boys you beat them bad" She chuckled as she came back in front of me. "Now let's go back to the car before we have some more freaks after us" .


"Where are you taking me Valentina?" I said while putting my free hand on the black blindfold on my eyes that was put there by Valentina. Well if you don't understand I am being kidnapped by Valentina right now she drove me with this blind fold for 15 minutes and now i am being dragged around her. 

"Shh just follow me!" I could hear the excitement in her voice. 

"DAMMIT" I yelled out as I felt a hard surface slam into me fast I rubbed my forehead only to find Valentina's chuckle in reply. 

"Okay you can open now" Damn this girl has something on her mind. 

I slowly opened the blind fold to have a big gasp escape my mouth. "Are you guys buying a new house?" I asked while looking around at the beautiful apartment. In front of me was a big glass window almost covering all the wall showing the amazing view of the city. Sunlight dancing inside covering the whole rose gold colored warm room. Morris and his wife were standing in front of me grinning like crazy. 

I stepped towards the wall feeling the smooth rose gold paint on it. With a T.V. It looked so warm with the couch, on the left an open kitchen with the same wall. 

"No silly this is yours!" I almost choked listening to that I shot my head towards the grinning family. 

"We'll meet you outside darling and have fun Renae" Jane slowly smiled at me and left with Valentina.

"Morris what is this?" I looked at Morris with confusion in my eyes. 

"You see I want you to be a normal girl so I brought you an apartment call your friends over and have a bit of fun  come on Renae" He smiled while throwing the keys at me and left 

"Wait! but I don't even know the address man." I stood there while scratching the back of my neck. 


A/N Well that's it for today I have some amazing ideas for the next chapter and it will be out soon thank you for reading!

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