Living normal...

22 2 10

I stared out the dark sky outside. Rain pouring down as fast as it could. Droplets traced with their paths of water sliding down the class window. It was our Physics and I sat at the corner next to the window. I don't get it why do people say rain is a sad weather? It's so comforting from what I know.

"Alright class...." I noticed Mr. Stanford getting interupted as the door flung open and banging in the wall.

"SUP MR STANFORD!!" I heard Liam's cheerful voice as Mr. Stanford just glared at him. He started looking around the class until his eyes fell on me he smiled from ear to ear and waved over me making me chuckle. "Come on let's go Alisa!"

"Excuse me young man you are disturbing my CLASS! NOW GET OUT!" Liam looked at him and snorted then went looking for something in his pockets. He flipped out a pocket while flipping his imaginary hair with sass.

"Permission from the principle OLD MAN" He bat his eyes lashes at him while pouting as he ran up towards me and took my hand while running out the class. This boy knows how to make an entrance and.... exit.

Everybody including Cat were near my locker, the hallway was empty except us standing there. Cat was sitting down next to Axel laughing about something while Jaycob leaned against the locker and Caleb talking to him. As I got closer I saw jaycob had bruises over his face. Black eye, cut on his nose and lip, swollen jaw line, purple bruise on cheek bone.

"What the heck happened to you?!" I looked at his face examining it while he chuckled followed by chuckles of the other boys. I turned to Caleb.

"And what are YOU doing here? where is Kimberley?" I talked with curiosity but he gave off a charming smile showing his pearly teeth.

"I dont know.. and cant I hang out with my best friends?" He had a duh tone. I looked at Axel in hope for answers but he just shrugged.

"Okaaaay what did I miss?"

"Nothing" all the boys said in a unison while shrugging. I sighed knowing it was no use.

"So waitress eh?" Jaycob raised an eyebrow at me while Axel looked over at Cat saying "you too?"

"Yup! and you guys are surrely not welcome there" Cat said while chuckling, Axel hmphed lightly.

"Let's get to work eh?" I added to get everyone's attention.

"Okay then let's go to your cafe then?" I nodded to Liam.


"I still don't get why Caleb is here" Cat looked like she had enough. "Okay spill we need answers"

They all shrugged certainly not willing to tell us. Jaycob looked over to me.
"How's your hand?"
"It's alright how's yours?"
"It's good now"
Well progress eh?

"Ugh I cant believe it! The juniors want us to play darn selena and taylor swift!" I groaned as I put my head in my hands. I heard some shuffling and the next thing I know is both Axel and Liam are standing on their seats with one foot on the table each.

"HE'S SO TALL AND HANDSOME AS HELL" They both started singing in unison in high pitch darn ugly voices.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I heard Caleb and Cat's chuckles.


"Stooopppp" I groaned. and of course they were gonna ignore me.


Why isnt the staff kicking them out already?

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