Encounter with him.

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Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy!


"Pass me the popcorn would ya?" I ignored Cat as I stared into the movie munching down pop corns until she snatched the bowl from me and threw some in her mouth.

Well Morris told me the address so I invited Catalina over and we started watching this movie Catalina loves called "Titanic".

"This is so stupid why wouldn't he get up too?!" I yelled out while throwing some pop corns towards the screen but when I looked at Catalina I burst out laughing because she was crying.

And that's how we ended up running in the whole house at least 5 times because she wanted to kill me.


"So what's your real hair color?" Cat said while she took out some plates for pizza. My eyes widened on hearing this how does she know I'm wearing a wig? She turned towards me.

"You don't expect me to believe that's your real hair do you? see it's visible from here" she said while touching an area near my left ear.

"I uh... alright come here" I finally gave up on it. But after all it's just hair. I took her to the lounge and we both sat on the sofa she was getting super excited about it. I slowly slid off the wig starting from my forehead and saw as her eyes slowly went wide.

"It's so beautiful!" She squealed while touching my hair as I chuckled. "Is it naturally black?" I simply nodded in reply.

"Why do you hide it?" she asked me slowly like she knew I didn't want to answer that. I sighed slowly and she nodded.

"It's alright you really don't have to tell me" she smiled ear to ear but I knew curiosity was killing her from inside. Just then her phone rang and she said that her mom was calling her so she left.


It was Saturday so Morris and Dylan came to my place at about 8 pm. I had been studying the whole day. Dylan was another person from our gang. A killer machine and a great friend. Dylan was 21 and he was a really handsome fellow too. Brunette bangs and black eyes. Sharp jawline and prominent muscles.

I got out from the kitchen with some mocha and I was in my black sweatpants and tee. Dylan in a pale blue t-shirt and faded blue jeans while Morris was wearing a white button up and dark blue jeans. And yes, gangsters don't always wear studded jackets and stuff.

"So what's up?" I asked as I had my mocha up towards my lips.
"Your going to start baby sitting!" Morris said with a glint of excitement in his eyes, my eyes widened.
"What?!" I almost spat out my mocha. I looked at Dylan to see his reaction and he was normal I guess he already knew.

"I'm not doing it Morris" I shook my head viciously.
"YES you are! your parents would want you to do this" Morris looked me in the dead eye. First of all how does he know what my parents would've wanted me to do. So I asked him.

"Morris I guess you should tell her" Dylan spoke slowly in his groggy voice.
"Tell me what?" I slowly placed my cup on the  table and crossed my arms on my chest.

"It's that" he exhaled from his nose. "Your parents and I knew they were going to die" my eyes widened.

"Then why didn't you gave them extra security?! or maybe found out who wanted to kill them?!" The last word cracked my voice.

"Because they didn't want you to live in a world full of guns and stuff... they told me to take care of you"  Okay this was enough for me my water works were coming up I felt this pang of pain in my chest which stopped me from breathing. Anxiety attack.

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