Mr and Mrs Xavier. Has a ring to it right?

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The thought of home died down with my anger as the walk in the sun made me understand that the out burst was silly. I sighed and sat down in a park while staring at humans living their normal lives. Couples walking hand in hand, kids playing and old people sitting. I chuckled at how cliché it was. I was sitting with my messed up life while the whole world looked perfect on the outside even if I knew how messed up it is from the inside. A branch snapped on my left making me sigh.

"Dude how did you follow me?" Jaycob appeared and sat next to me.

"Tracking device genius" I mentally face palmed myself for being stupid of not checking myself for a tracking device.

"Why can't you follow me like a normal guy by coming after me" He simply shrugged as we sat there.

"I'm sorry" I looked at him as he fiddled his thumbs and looked down at his lap.

"Me too" I sighed loudly as we just sat there. "You're not going to ask my reasons?"

"Nope" he popped the 'p'. "I know you'll tell me one day" He had the hope of a 5 year old. Adorable.


"No worries. Though Liam made us be the couple while he and Drew be the gay couple. He said I needed to apologize to you" Of course same old Liam.

"Welp let's get going then 'husband'" He chuckled as we got up and left.


"You're Henry Locke" I threw the fake id at Ashton as he caught it. "You will be going alone or get a date I don't care" I had my eyes on the I.D's I had been made.

"Touche you don't care huh? I'm hurt" Ashton went all being the cocky himself.

"Good hope you die from this 'hurtness'" I mumbled to myself as I threw Drew and Liam's I.D's at them. "Mr and Mr O' Collin. Drew you're Jayden while Liam you're Taylor." They nodded.

"Mr. Jackson Xavier." I slammed (lightly) Jaycob's I.D on his chest while took mine. "And I'm Annalise Xavier." I grinned at the thought of being Jaycob's wife and beating him up. Mr and Mrs Xavier has a ring to it right?

"Though I wanted to pair with Drew and be Mrs Xavier with him" I fake pouted as Liam chuckled and everyone else was taken back at what I said. And guess what Drew blushed lightly with wide eyes. Jaycob growled lightly beside me.

"Why?" He said with clenched feet. Time to mess with him.

"Come on look at him he is super dreamy" I fluttered my lashes almost gaging at myself. Drew's blush deepened while Jaycob started giving Drew a count down.

"Drew... 3...2.." Drew ran for his life followed by Jaycob leaving all of us laughing our butts off.


"And we are done." I walked out of the door rubbing my palm over my skirt. I wore a mossy green lace sleeve-less top which ended on my waist and then a floral skirt which started right where the top ended. The skirt was the poofed up type and ended at my knees .I had temporary hair dye on my hair making my hair a mixture of brown and blonde which was pulled up in a messy bun with some curled tendrils falling on my face. My make up was light. A perfect winged thick liner, fake lashes, rosy cheeks and red matte lipstick. To top it all up I had the same green colored velvet stilletoes.

"I know I look amazing stop gawking guys" I walked past all the guys with their mouths wide open. This is what angered me. I mean a girl only looks pretty when she puts on massive make up and has hair made up huh? I shook my head and walked towards Liam.

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