"She's hurt." Rebekah said bluntly.

"Then give her your blood."

"It's not that simple, brother. This girl... there's something off about her. She's healed, physically. But it's strange.. I can't describe it." Elijah added. Something flashed through his eyes, had he felt pity for this weak human?

"What Elijah is trying to say that there's just something off about her heart.. it's like it's on a different.. frequency, or something. Like it has a life of its own, separate from everything else." Rebekah said.

"I could care less of the girl. Get her out of my house before I get back, or I will have her head. And yours." I threatened the both of them. Of course, knowing my siblings, they would do as I say. And I wouldn't ever have their heads. I'm just that good at acting like I really would kill them.

But a small and delicate figure at the foot of the stairs made me stop dead in my tracks. I couldn't even hide the shock in my expression when I watched her.

She had not noticed me, yet. The girl was bent over, her long black hair cascading down over her face as she clutched at her heart in discomfort. I could in fact hear her heart, and it was beating at a much slower rate than what a usual normal heart would be in a house full of vampires. My shirt that she had on was clinging dangerously to her skin. She could have worn any of Rebekah's clothes but they decided to give her mine. Don't get me wrong, it was undeniably sexy. Aside from her messy appearance, she still looked cunning and beautifully innocent.

I guess my siblings were right about something for once.

From her stance, I could tell she was nervous. Even frightened. So her heart should be racing at the moment, not beating slowly.

What the hell had Marcel done to her?



I had to blink a few times before I could finally see the pure white ceiling before me. There was a loud crashing noise from downstairs, making me stir away from my slumber. My own sweat was sticking to me, the long black shirt clinging to my skin.

This wasn't my shirt. This was most certainly a guys shirt. I don't have a black shirt this long.

That's when I realized this wasn't my room. It was dark and unfamiliar and smelled of a man. I should probably be freaking out way more than I was right now, but I knew it must have been Elijah that brought me here to safety. And I trusted him.

Since the bones and muscles in my body felt completely healed, thank God, I swung my legs over the bed, wiping my face with the back of my hand. I was sweating so bad, and this room wasn't even that warm at all. It was like cold sweat, and I felt fine.

I opened the door slowly, not wanting to make a sound. I tiptoed my way down the dimly lit hallway, afraid that someone else other than Elijah would hear me. The crashing of what sounded like glass was louder as I neared the top of the stair case. And then I heard three distinct voices from the steps; two male, one female. One in familiar, I instantly recognized, was Elijah's deep baritone voice. The other was a clear woman's voice tinged with a slight accent. And it was the last voice that intrigued me the most, his deep and mesmerizing British accent sending a strange chill through my body.

When I reached the foot of the white staircase, I couldn't help but feel hurt and Klaus' next set of words.

"I could care less of the girl."

I had tuned out their conversation after that, a sudden pain in my heart taking me by surprise. I felt myself sweat even harder, if that was possible. It was like a claw was slowly scratching down the wall of my heart, prolonging the pain all the while worsening it. I bit down on my lip as I turned myself around, gripping the stair railings. I blinked away the few tears, pulling myself up one step. My panic was rising in front of me, fearing that this was how I was going to die. But I couldn't feel my heart racing against my chest. In fact, it was barely beating at all, and I felt myself on the verge of a panic attack.

Captivate (Klaus Mikaelson) ***ON HOLD***Where stories live. Discover now