"Punishments arent forgotten."

Start from the beginning

Shaking yourself from thoughts that would soon turn very naughty as you replayed the scene that had taken place very vividly you through yourself back into your work. Having the large canvas taking up a small portion of the area you sat in. Every stroke of your brush was carefully planned as you painted the picture in your mind.

It was midday when you finished, clouds covering the sky and casting gala in a grey light. Its windows hungrily accepting the light that was attempting to break through the cloud cover. By now the candles had been blown out and the first of the crew were arriving.

You brought your piece to the back where it would rest until later on tonight. The event was to begin promptly at 6 o'clock this evening, you knew you would have to be back by 5. That ave you just the right amount of time to catch a cab, get ready, catch another cab, and get back here.

You rushed out of the building just as your boss walked in; he waved his hand in your direction and you bound outside to catch a cab. You prayed you had enough money on you to pay the fair and luckily you caught one quickly. With the gallery being in the center of the city that was rather hard to do.

The ride to your flat was quick and you were able to pay the fair. You got into your place quickly and set about fixing a quick bite to eat before diving into the grueling process of getting ready.

When you were finished you stripped quickly out of your clothes and padded naked over to your shower. Turning it on full blast you waited for the water to run warm, steam already billowing up and about.

You stepped in and began to lather up your hair after you were soaked. After washing the sweet smelling soap from your hair you touched the tiled wall next to you and blushed as you thought about your back being pressed up against those same tiles.

Harry had been insatiable that night as you had been and he couldn't overpower the temptation to press your back right against the cold tiles and fuck you until your legs were shaking and your arms slack from holding him so tightly. You on your knees for him and him thrusting into your warm and welcoming mouth was the scene that played everything you looked to the floor.

He had kissed your roughly, his hands running all over your body and caressing you softly as the water ran cold behind the both of you. Both of you in your own world as he took over and protected you as he gave you pleasure.

You had had a taste of him, something that would forever be imprinted in your thoughts and that would make every taste after him (if there ever were to be that is) less. He had shown opened up every desire that had been building up in your body over time and there was no way that those desires were going to close.

The two of you were different in the most obvious ways as well. You worked pay check to pay check from the gallery to meet ends meet and keep up with the things you wanted to do. You didn't have a problem with this since it had been what you had always known, but Harry on the other hand was a completely different story.

With his company at the peak of its time, the aristocratic businessman had it all. From his car collection, to his fancy suits, to the cold manners in which he acted, he screamed business. From the moment he had saw you though it was dark drawn to light.

Having seen you at the coffee shop which you were a regular at, it surprised you that he bought his own coffee.

His persona was dominating and intimidating as you peered up at him as he barked orders to everyone around him. You had only see him be cruel to those around him but never to you, he had a soft spot for you as cliché it sounded.

They say that is light that consoles the dark and you were there to console him through it all. Through his business ventures, through the firing of complete divisions of his company due to none of them doing their jobs, to him traveling and needing you.

Mature Harry ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now