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"Does this mean I can have you for myself?" Jimin smirk was still on his lips as he walked closer and closer until his chest was against Jungkook's.

"No, it only means that you can stay the fuck away while I try to find my keys." Jungkook's words slipped out of his mouth.

Find my keys.

"You lost your keys?" Jimin's eyebrow's furrowed together in fake confusion as he grinned. Well shit.

"No of course not!" Jungkook said quickly, he put his hands in his empty pockets and walked backward, avoiding Jimin.

"You could stay at my house if you want to," Jimin smirked.

"I'm fine, thank you," Jungkook mumbled and looked away, feeling awkward as he just stood in the hallway. Waiting for something to happen.

"No, come with me." Jimin grabbed his hand and walked towards his own door. He tried desperately to remove Jimin's hand, locked around his wrist.

"Please." Jungkook pushed him away, really wanting to get the hell out of this place. Jimin continued to pull and Jungkook kicked him quickly in a peculiar area without thinking.

Jimin gasped and shut his eyes close quickly as the pain shot through his body. Jungkook escaped from his grip with a nervous gaze and watched as Jimin struggled to stay on his feet.

"Fuck." Jimin breathed out, eyes still shut as he cringed. Jungkook didn't want to watch anymore and walked quickly out of the main door. The night air brushing against his warm skin.

He had no idea where to go.

Perhaps Taehyung? Jungkook decided to walk towards the bus stop, only to realize that the bus rarely arrives at this station after midnight.

The walk wasn't so long, he could walk.


Jungkook walked with his gaze on the ground and tried to keep his thoughts away from Jimin. He didn't really want to hurt him, but he really had no other choice.

What if Jimin decided to do something with him? Something against his will? You'll never know what will happen with a drunk person, and Jimin seemed like he didn't have one single careful thought in his mind.

He saw how Jimin looked at him.


A tired looking Taehyung yawned as he looked at the boy standing in front of him, he had a smug grin on his lips with eyes saying sorry.

"Could I please stay for the night?" Jungkook asked carefully and eyed the tired boy. Taehyung stood there, looking at him with no words escaping his mouth.

He yawned again as he opened the door, welcoming Jungkook inside.

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