Chapter 25: Double The Trouble

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The sky opened up after a long day at Ryutzu land. Sabertooth had come back home tired and bruised up. They got ready for the next day with excitement.

Levy stared at herself in the mirror. She was completely naked having just left the shower. Her wet hair stuck to her back and shoulders. She examined herself carefully from her forehead tattoo to her feet. It was something she would do when anxious.

She would do it even before she joined Sabertooth.  It calmed her to some extent. She hadn't felt the need to do it since she joined but ever since the games started, things were getting more and more surreal for her.

"Hey Lev! You okay? You've been in there a while" Levy was brought back to reality at the sound Autumn's voice. She turned her head to the door.

"Y-yeah I'll be out in a second!" She yelled back. She cursed herself for stuttering. She knew Autumn was going to bring it up later.

"Huh okay! I'll be downstairs" Autumn voice grew faint as she walked further away from the door.

Levy gulped and looked back at the mirror. She placed a hand on it and sighed. Snapping herself away from the mirror she grabbed a towel and headed out with it wrapped around her.

Autumn was indeed gone, leaving Levy alone. She threw off her towel and wrapped it around her hair. She grabbed a pair of orange shorts and a black turtle neck that left her guild mark exposed. She got out all the water from her hair and put her clothes on. After a quick brush of her hair, she headed out the room. Today was the day.

Sting rolled over on the couch. He was already ready to leave but as usual everyone else was taking their sweet time to get it moving.  Lector sat on the arm rest staring at his idol

He pulled himself up. Rogue was sitting calmly on a love seat, book in hand. Frosch layed on his head trying to get a peek at the large book. Sting always wondered where he got the patience to read those things.

He tapped his foot on the ground with impatience. Rogue looked from his book with a raised eyebrow "Could you stop with the noise? Or go eat. I don't care"

"Frosch thinks so too!" The adorable frog cheered.

Sting glared at his brother in annoyance "That witch Minerva won't let me go into the kitchen because of yesterday!!"

"That's horrible Sting" Rogue barely answered turning back to his book. His voice filled with disinterested. 

"Could you be more unemotional!" Sting growled standing up.

"That's a big word. Nice job" Rogue praised sarcastically.  He enjoyed pushing his buttons.

Sting growled to the sky and stormed out. Lector flew up and stopped in front of Rogue before flying out. "Sting-kun knows all words!!"

Sting stormed out for no reason and had no idea where to go now. While walking he bumped into someone.  He looked over at Juvia who had fallen to the ground. She was in a blue dress. Her hair was in its usual waves down her back. Sting put his hand out to help

"Juvia doesn't understand who she always manages to be your victims"  Juvia got to her feet and dusted of her clothes.

Sting retracted his hand shyly and gulped "Yeah..well you should look around more"

Juvia stared at him weirdly and rolled her eyes. She walked past him then stopped and looked back. "Aren't you coming with Juvia?"

Sting  shook his head and followed behind her. Lector was there just in time to see everything. His idol was the most amazing  person to him but he was really dumb when it came to women especially Juvia.

The Bluenettes of Sabertooth: Volume IWhere stories live. Discover now