Chapter 19 : The Training Grounds

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Zayn sat in a booth in the corner of the main hall. The guild was buzzing with life ever since Master made the announcement.  He was supposed to leave later that day with some of the other members. He was definitely one of the loner types of the guild, be he liked it that way. Persephone would usually stick to him but she was upstairs packing.

Minerva approched Zayn and sat down a cross from Zayn. Her many bags sat next to her. "Hey Zayn, where's Persephone? "

"Upstairs . She's getting ready" Zayn answered leaning back in his seat.

"Great. You should keep an eye on her. She'll like that" Minerva snickered, making Zayn grunt in response." She  really enjoys your company"

"I wouldn't put it against her. She doesn't exactly have a support system" Zayn answered then stood up "I'll be back later"

Minerva pouted as he left the table. Zayn headed outside to a small area near the front of the guild, secluded away under a large tree.

He didn't even know why he was outside, he should have just stayed inside until they left, which is what he was planning on doing until he heard someone call him.


Said man turned towards the sounds of the voice "Serena!!!"

Serena, is a beautiful crimson red haired mage with foggy grey eyes. She's incredibly strong with her combination of  plant and  takeover magic. She's usually out on missions given to her by Master Jiemma or even the magic council. She lays low on the whole fame spectrum of Fiore --but that might change soon enough--. Zayn and her are very close friends, but with their busy schedules lately. They have not been able to see each other much.

Serena knocked him down to the hard ground. He didn't mind, he was just happy to see her. Serena stood back up and patted down her black form fitting  turtleneck body suit.

"When'd you even get back?" He asked as he got back to his feet.

"Just now really,Master sent word that he wanted me to train with you guys,"Serena grinned"  I knew you'd be out here. Guess I was right"

Zayn rolled his eyes then smiled a little. He was truly happy she had come back early."How'd the mission go?"

They started walking slowly towards the guild as Serena explained "It was good...Strange though"

Zayn stopped and stared at her "Explain Serena"

She stopped and sighed. "The whole mission was odd honestly. I had to take down some monster. It didn't use any real magic which is what alarmed me nothing about it felt like normal natural magic. Weirdest thing was what it would say something about 'The righteousness is weak with this one'. I have no idea what that meant and killed him before he could continue"

Zayn listened intensely nodding from time to time "I say just let it go for now. Sounds  like another weirdo to me really. If anything like that happens again tell me"

"You're right, you're right" Serena  nodded and smiled mischievously "So how's Persephone been doing lately?"

Zayn sighed.Why did everyone want to know about Persephone from him."She's been doing...something. Why?"

"No reason really, just asking" Serena shook her head smiling softly. They entered the guild hall silently and headed upstairs to Serena's room.

Serena's home was smack next to Zayn's. Serena headed to her closet to pack while Zayn flopped down on her bed and grabbed a ball that was laying around.

Serena had left her room in a somewhat clean state. With books flying around here and there, clean clothes were piled on chair in the corner of the living room. The walls were a pale yellow but the whole house itself kept a red tone.

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