Chapter 7 : True Introductions

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Once the so called Sukuria said the part about long lost daughters, silence fell upon the room. Juvia and Levy stood petrified in shock. This wasn't making sense. They were sure of themselves  that they weren't royalty or even related.

Finally being able to speak they screamed "Daughters!!!!!!!??How???!"

The other ladies winced in response. They sure knew how to scream, they can give them that.

"Oww please no need to be so loud..." sighed Aqua,

"Oh s-sorry, but can someone please explain what's happening..." asked/apologized Levy trying to put everything together in her head but fell short of anything logical

"Gladly... but first take a seat" said Sukuria turning and walking to her throne. Aqua and Mist following her.

Juvia asked awkwardly"Eto...where should Juvia and Levy sit?" Then a brown comfy  looking couch appeared  right behind them."Oh..."

Sukuria took a seat on her grand throne with Aqua on her right and Mist to her left. Sukuria closed her bright greens eyes and took a deep breath, thinking thoroughly about her next words. The bluenettes had no idea what was about to happen.

"Well how do say I this..." the girls gulped in anticipation "Juvia, Levy you two are my daughters. I suppose you don't know anything about your Earthland mothers..."

They nodded and give her a look to continue. "That's because they aren't any. We left Juvia the oldest near a river , an orphanage care taker found her. Levy was put on the doorstep of an ancient library and that is were Mackarov found you. You are both princesses of the Realm and heir to my throne..."

They were shocked to say the least. It seemed as though their was way more to  the story but they had questions first.

"Pardon Juvia but why did you bring us to Earthland in the first place?" Asked Juvia getting comfortable in her spot.

"Aah you see, you two are twins if you hadn't noticed. And when you were born there was a madman on the loose. You two have royal blood and extremely high magic power. The madman wanted to harness that power for himself and take control of the Realms. We had no choice but to supress your magic power so it would not be as noticible and separate you from each other. Since that man could not find both of you he disappeared...Luckily we found some trace of him and he is imprisoned to this day....."

"Wait a minute were sisters!? And twins at that??!" Levy excitedly spoke.

"LEVY-CHAN! Are you seriously asking about that. Were you not listening?!" Complained Juvia suprised that she wasn't taking this a seriously

"Oh calm down...sister! I have a sister this is great and it's my best friend!!" Said Levy in a chirpy voice.

"Huh yes, your blue hair is rare it should come to no suprise" Sukuria said giggling at her daughters excitement.

"Yes yes Juvia is happy too, but Juvia has a question..." she said turning to Sukuria" who is Levy and Juvia's father?"

Sukuria's face turned from happy to grim to happy in a matter of seconds." He is not of interest at the moment just forget about it..."

Juvia and Levy were curious but decided on not pressuring her. This seemed like a dark topic not exactly appropriate for the moment

"So... what about our names?" Sukuria looked at Levy in confusion not really understanding her vague question. "I mean I'm Levy Mcgarden but Mist called me Lauriece"

Juvia continued"And Juvia is a Lockser and Mist called her Sylvianna when we first met"

Mist then started to sweat nervously because Sukuria and Aqua were glaring daggers her way.

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