Chapter 6: New awakenings

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The sun was brilliantly shining in the sky, not a cloud in sight. It would be great day for certain but not these girls. The sun seemed to be a bit much for the tired girls.  They  tried to sleep in  bliss, even though the heat was not much to their liking. No matter they were too tired and asleep to complain about anything.

All to soon a defeaning roar awoke the girls from their sleep. Well Juvia woke up, Levy not so much.

"Levy !! Did you here that. We must go see what it is!" Panicked Juvia trying to shake Levy out of her slumber

" sleepy for this..." murmured Levy not caring what the roar was and just wanting to sleep. Soon enough she was drenched in water and fully awake. "Aaaaaaah fine let's go!!!!"

Juvia nodded trying not to laugh, happy with her work she headed out with the now wet Levy. Walking out the magical tent they spotted nothing around the perimeter. Then another roar came from the waterfall, surprisingly.

"Eeeehh....WATERFALLS CAN DO THAT!!!! Screamed Levy not even trying to make logic out of the situation.

"Stop being an idiot Levy" said smacking the smaller girls head "Juvia thinks that it came from inside the waterfall"

"Owww meanie..." Levy whined still recovering from the hit "I guess we can check it out..."

"Hai...time for a little swim" Said Juvia suddenly not wearing her pyjamas but  a swimsuit,  which confused Levy. She was sure she didn't have a swimsuit on or under

"Nani!? When did you have that..."

"Juvia does not know what you are talking about...come on we mustn't take our time now" said Juvia oblivious as always, making her way to the edges of the land before getting ready to jump in the water.

They jumped straight into the river/pond area, with Levy right behind her grumbling something about "damn Rainwoman...always wearing...not even listening".

To their suprise there was  a cave hidden behind the waterfall and in that cave stood.... an icy blue dragon radiating magic power beyond their comprehension. Both Levy and Juvia blinked.

"KYAAAAAAYYAAAAA DRAGON!!? DIDN'T THEY ALL DIE OR SOMETHING!?"Levy overreacted as usual not trying to make sense of the situation at hand. She needed to learn how to control herself.

"DON'T ASK JUVIA, SHE IS VERY CONFUSED!!!!" It was now Juvia's turn to make a fuss about everything.

"UGGGGHHHH  CAN'T YOU SEE ME SLEEPING HERE! LEAVE HUMANS!" Screamed the dragon not even looking their way  for she was to tired and seemingly lazy to turn her back.

"Hum if d-dragon could please tell us its name??"asked Juvia finally getting over her shock.

"My name is Mist, blue and who might you-" the self proclaimed Mist cut herself off when she finally looked their way. "Sylvianna !!Lauriece!!!Chicas where have you been!?"

To say Juvia and Levy were confused was an understatement.  They didn't even know what to think of the majestic creator anymore.

"Hum... who are you talking about" asked Levy."MY name is Levy and this here  is Juvia."

"Hai, you must have mistaken us to someone else" said Juvia still confused to what she was on about. Juvia had seen some things in her life but a living dragon calling her a different name was not one of it.

"I assure you , I am not mistaken. I know your full names. It seems you don't remember yet."muttered Mist "My name is Mist the ice dragon and one of your mother's best friend and council"

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