Constant Snatches

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Cheers vibrated off of the walls of the auditorium. Even though her parents were there, Rio still showed the most pride and admiration for Min Seo's performance.

Some reporters in the back of the room were busy tapping away on their computers, constructing headlines and articles to be outsourced to hallyu websites and other media networks. Other reporters were busy taking photos of the girls from different angles. Once they had the information they needed, they stood as a unit and walked into the hallway to await the girls so that they may flag them down with questions.

The production staff typed away on their computers as well, and a few staff members who recorded the performances started uploading the videos onto the JYP website and then to the JYP YouTube page.

JYP strode back onto the stage, standing in front of the girls. One of the staff members manning the cameras positioned the camera back on JYP to record this as the final piece of the XO BEAT showcase sequence.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Our newest unit, XO BEAT, is here. They will be working on their debut song and work on their debut for a few months. We know that they are very new to everyone watching and may come as a shock, but we ask that you look forward to their debut and support them as you have supported their sunbaes. Look at our main page for their profiles, and again thank you for watching. XO BEAT?" JYP turned to the girls, motioning for one of them to speak. Solar immediately stepped forward.

"Thank you for watching and taking interest in us at this time. As leader, I will protect these girls and be strong and we will work together to make everyone happy. We are so grateful to everyone, and I hope you will look out for our debut." Solar looked back at the girls, hinting for them to come back over to say goodbye. "This has been XO BEAT. Thank you!" The girls bowed, waved and ran off stage.

Once they were unseen by the audience, Jin and Yuju collapsed onto the cold floor.

"" Yuju breathed.

"" Jin finished.

Min Seo crouched down and sat lightly on Yuju's outstretched legs. "That is correct. But get up; we have to meet the reporters. I saw them sneak into the hallway right after our performance."

"She's right. They're waiting right outside the auditorium doors as we speak." Livi strolled in from behind a curtain, a smirk on her face.

"I'm so proud of you all. Wanna sneak out the side or face the reporters head-on?"

"We should meet them head-on," Min Seo stated. "They're not going to leave until they talk to us or get some statements, so we might as well talk to them now."

Solar pushed herself to the front of the doors to the auditorium lobby, flipping her hair and fixing her boobs so that they were pushed up. "Time to shine." Solar forced the doors open and the reporters ambushed her with questions and flashing lights. Solar smiled and answered each question thrown at her with poise.

The other girls came up behind Solar cautiously. They scanned the sea of reporters, when Min Seo accidentally made eye contact with one of them. She was identifiably smaller than those around her, with brown hair, braces, and glasses too big for her face.

 She was identifiably smaller than those around her, with brown hair, braces, and glasses too big for her face

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