Prepping for the Showcase Week 3-4

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Min Seo was resting comfortably on her pillow, enjoying the sweet release of sleep. When she first moved in, it took forever for her to fall asleep because it was so close to the flood. But the girls have been putting in ridiculous practice hours, so Min Seo has no more issues with sleeping on the hard surface.

"Min Seo, wake up! It's practice time!" Yuju yelled in Min Seo's ear, laying beside her instead of getting up.

Min Seo opened her eyes slightly, looked into Yuju's eyes and smiled. Then in one swift motion pulled her pillow out from under her head, and smacked Yuju in the face with it.

"You know I don't wake up on the first call." Min Seo burrowed into her blankets. Next to her, her phone vibrated against the floor, indicating she received a text.

Min Seo rolled slowly to check her phone, greeted by an unknown number.

Unknown: Meet me in our practice room at 6. It's my time to dance with you.

Min Seo stared at the message, puzzled. She turned the screen to Yuju, holding it in front of her face. "Do you know who this is?"

Yuju stared at the phone for a moment but shook her head and laid back. She grabbed her own phone, holding it above her face. "Why not ask?"

"But it could be some stalker! What if they stole my number from a family member no one else has my number except them, you guys, and the company!"

Yuju sighed and snatched the phone. "Fine. I'll ask." Yuju tapped away on the phone as Min Seo watched over her shoulder.

'Min Seo': Who is this? And what practice room?

In under a minute, the stranger responded.

Unknown: The practice room where you wouldn't rest with me. This is your homescreen speaking ;-) PD gave me your number since Youngjae and I have to work with you later on.

" 'This is your homescreen speaking...' " Yuju read aloud. She turned around to face Min Seo. "Who's homescreen?" When Min Seo didn't respond immediately, Yuju shrugged and pressed the home button.

"Don't look!" Min Seo lunged for the phone but missed, landing on Yuju's sleeping mats.

Yuju took one look at the screen and squealed. "Jackson is your home screen?" Yuju started laughing wildly, then looked at Min Seo's face. She started leaning in towards her. "You liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike him~" She sing-songed.

Min Seo pushed her away and snatched the phone out of Yuju's hand. "It's not like that. Jackson is more like an older brother. I don't think I've ever looked at him in any other way. Besides, I like Youngjae so-" Min Seo cut herself off after her unintended confession. When she looked at Yuju, there was a devilish glint in her eye.

"You little flirt!" Yuju squealed, getting way too close to Min Seo's face. "So have you confessed to him yet?"


"Aw, you're so bold! I love it! Just wait until he proposes. Wouldn't it be so cute if he proposed on the day of our debut? Then I would be one of your bridesmaids and your kids would be so adorable..." Yuju kept rambling on about things that Min Seo could only hope and dream of. Yuju's eyes were shining with imagination and creativity. Min Seo wasn't really upset about Yuju getting her hopes up for Min Seo's love life; it was cute to see Yuju go on about something and be so excited to talk about it.


Min Seo looked down at her phone: Jackon had text her. Again.

" 'I know you saw my message. Are you coming or not?' " Min Seo read aloud. A small smile developed on her face as she pushed herself off of the floor and headed to her closet space. She pulled out a pair of neon yellow running shorts and a sheer white cropped tank top. She turned around, facing Yuju and holding the outfit up against her body, swaying side to side. "Is this too revealing?"

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