Prepare for Celebration

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"NB2?" Min Seo asked, her face riddled with confusion. "It sounds like a radio station."

"NB2 is one of the best hip-hop clubs in South Korea. Most clubs here play EDM, but NB2 is all the real hip-hop," Solar explained proudly. She had found a way to sneak in during her high school days, since she looked old enough to go in and no one bothered to card her. NB2 was also the place where she and Tommy met for the very first time.

"That's right, Solar," Tommy complimented in an a mocking tone that only Solar seemed to pick up.

"And as a treat for completing your debut song, I want to take you girls, along with some of your sunbaes, to NB2 for a big celebration!" JYP boasted.

"I don't think I'm old enough to go to a club, though," Min Seo admitted, even though she did admire the idea of going out clubbing with friends and the experience of flirtatiously dancing in the dark.

Tommy laughed for a moment. "We don't go on the same day as other club-goers. We buy out the club for the night and have our party. Sometimes we invite other idols outside of the company to join us. Since we're about to release a new group, it may be appropriate to invite other groups and become friendly. Anyone you all have in mind?"

"BTS and iKON!" Jin screamed immediately, bouncing in place with a wide grin.

Jin, you do know the no-dating policy, right? I don't want your fangirling to turn into a scandal," Yuju warned. Jin took note of this and calmed down, but she still vibrated slightly with enthusiasm running through her veins. 

"Anything in particular that we should wear?" Solar asked. She could feel Tommy's occasional glances in her direction. She smirked and refused to give him the satisfaction of returning his interest. Maybe I should wear that outfit from when we first met.

"Nothing immensely fancy. Make you sure you look club-appropriate, but not TOO club appropriate. The last thing we need is one of you to end up on the bad end of a scandal, as Yuju advised," JYP instructed. "You girls can go back to your dorm and take a breather. Or you can continue working on your other six songs, which I would prefer you to do, but you have free will. I'll be here working with Tommy."

They all bowed and fled the studio in order to go back and take advantage of PD-nim's offer.

~Back At The Dorm~

Clothes were in disarray, reaching from Jin and Solar's room, across the living room and kitchen, and slowly they made their way towards Yuju and Min Seo's room.

"Maybe J-Hope would like this one. Or is this cuter? No, no, this one is better. Or maybe I should wear this one." A skirt flew across the room and out of the door. The sound of opening and closing drawers resonated as Jin continued to throw clothes and shuffle through her near-empty drawers.

Jin through a shirt over her shoulder. With a sudden plop, the shirt draped over Solar, who was sprawled out on the floor with her journal, attempting, and struggling, to write lyrics or even come up with a rhythm for a new song.

Solar's grip on her pencil tightened as her hand began to tremble. She threw the pencil away in frustration, the small but sharp impact on the floor silencing Jin's continued rambling.

"Stop, already! I'm trying to come up with something but all I can hear is you getting flustered over an event that isn't even today! We're going tomorrow! You have the rest of tonight and all of tomorrow to stress over this stuff. I just want to concentrate on my work."

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