Rough Morning

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They call me, Baepsae~ Yokbwatji i sedae~ 

Someone's phone started blasting BTS's music next to Jackson's ear. Jackson groaned and dug his head under his pillow, yanking a thick blanket over his head. After a few more seconds, the music stopped. Jackson sighed a breath of relief, slowly pulling his head out from under the pillow. Jackson slowly started drifting back into his long awaited sleep until 5 minutes later...

Eongdeongi ppangppangppang~ Namjadeureun Time Time Time~

The phone started blaring CL, but playing louder than BTS. Jackson grumbled and threw his sheets off, looking around his room for the phone, throwing items on the floor all over the room. Jackson noticed a pile of feminine clothing spread of tank tops and shorts near his closet. In the midst of the pile, Jackson heard the phone. 

Jackson mentally prepared himself for reaching into the pile of clothes that were undeniably Min Seo's. It only took Jackson a few seconds before he felt his hands wrap around a slick iPhone. Jackson pulled the phone from the mess and turned off the alarm. The lock screen shone with a picture of Youngjae smiling during a fan meet. Why isn't the rest of the group on her phone? We can fit in the lock screen I've seen it before. So greedy only using the space for Youngjae....And what is she doing playing other groups' songs when she lives here? She should want to wake up to us when she lives with us... This all played through Jackson's mind as he noticed the time displayed read 5:00. She just went to sleep at 11:30 last night, what is she doing waking up so early? A wave of concern washed over Jackson as he swiped right, but was met with a screen asking for the phone's password. Jackson used logic to come up with a few ideas for the password.

Jackson clicked in the letters for 'KPOP'

The phone vibrated, indicating that the password incorrect.


The phone vibrated.


The phone vibrated.


The phone vibrated.

Jackson had one chance left to guess the password before it locked up; Jackson didn't even take into consideration the fact that he was about to go through a somewhat stranger's phone. He saw it as a concern for her waking up so early, and how he had little insight about Min Seo personally. Jackson started thinking through other ideas for what Min Seo's password could be. No way...


The phone unlocked, Jackson scoffing as the home screen was a picture of Jackson in the middle of laughing. Traitor...

Jackson searched for a scheduling app, which Jackson quickly found and began reading through Min Seo's day. "5:00-5:30 prepare for the day. 5:40-7 vocal warm ups and vocals. 7:15-10 hip hop dance lessons. 10:15-3:00 independent practice. 3:00-5:00 Korean lessons. 6:00-7 vocal practice. 7:30-10 dance practice...Where is her time to relax or eat? This looks more unhealthy than our trainee days..."

"Why are you on my phone?" A sleepy-voiced Min Seo with eyes half-open shuffled into the room, swaying from side to side trying to focus her steps in Jackson's direction, but her course soon shifted towards Jackson's bed. Min Seo dropped onto the bed, pulling the blanket over herself and yawned. "I'm going back to sleep. See you in a few hours, maybe."

Jackson carefully threw Min Seo's phone back into her clothes pile and pointed an accusing finger at Min Seo laying comfortably in his bed, which left Jackson with conflicted feelings. "Why are you always taking my sleeping things? First you take my blanket downstairs, then you crawl into my bed like it's yours? No fair! Where did you even come from?"

Min Seo sat up, her disheveled hair covering half of her face. "But..this is my bed." And with that statement, Min Seo threw her head back and landed comfortably on Jackson's pillow. Jackson just stared at Min Seo; this bold, dark-skinned trainee with a sharp tongue taking over the Got7 dorm without barely lifting a finger. 

"You came out of thin air, a girl in our dorm and you don't even know your impact. A girl shouldn't just live by herself with a house full of boys it isn't right. And what is with your daily schedule? You don't even make time to eat or rest! What if you lose too much weight you might drop to 45 kg!" Jackson saw Min Seo bury deeper under the blankets, which only irritated him more, but he didn't notice the way his mentioning weight made Min Seo uncomfortable. "Why are you hiding? Don't disregard my words pay attention to me you never respect me!"

Mark could hear Jackson complaining from the room over, and walked over to the room, rubbing his still sleepy eyes; J.Y. Park had promised them a one month break after their tour, provided that they stay out of trouble and maintain their health and weight.  So hearing all this commotion at 5 in the morning was not how Mark wanted to start his break. Mark came to Jackson's room, shifting his weight to the threshold as he was too tired to stand independently. 

"Jackson what are you going on about?" Mark followed Jackson's focus and traced it to Min Seo sleeping quietly in Jackson's bed. "Jackson...WHY IS SHE IN YOUR BED I THOUGHT SHE WAS SLEEPING ON THE COUCH WHY IS SHE UP HERE WHAT DID YOU TWO DO YOU ARE BREAKING ALL RULES JACKSON WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" Mark lost all cool and was rambling. 

By then, Min Seo heard yelling in the room and lifted her head to see Mark focused on her. Still filled with fatigue, Min Seo greeted Mark with a lazy smile, waving. "Hi Mark oppa. Are you here to yell at Jackson for me? He keeps saying I stole his bed but I've been staying in this bed since I moved in, so by logic this is my bed." Min Seo rolled to the farther side of the bed, pointing to a bed on the other side of the room. "Jackson, you can sleep there, I'll sleep here. Personal space solved." Min Seo hiccuped a laugh, rolled back to her usual placement in the bed, then drifted back into sleep. 

Both Mark and Jackson were awestruck, but Jackson more than Mark. "Tiny! Why do you always only call everyone else oppa but address me as if we're the same age?" 

Mark trudged over to Jackson, placing a reassuring hand on Jackson's shoulder while stifling a laugh over Min Seo's state of mind when she was tired. "Jackson I have a feeling you won't get far with fussing at Min Seo. You might want to take it up with PD or try to bear it." Jackson looked from Min Seo to Mark, then groaned and launched himself onto the bed in the corner of the room. 

Mark began to leave the room when he heard Min Seo's phone ringing in the mess of clothes. Mark pulled up the phone, noticing the caller as 'President Park'. Mark quickly answered. "PD-nim?

"Mark? Why are you answering Min Seo's phone?"

Mark glanced over at Min Seo, wrapped in blankets as her chest rose and fell as she breathed.

"Min Seo is sleeping right now. Is something wrong?"

There was silence on the line. "Min Seo is not here to sleep all day, she is supposed to be practicing and living the life of a trainee." Mark kept glancing at Min Seo, her breathing light and airy. "Please pass on the message that she can take a break today to spend time with everyone and be friendly and form a foundation for a peaceful living arrangement. But also tell her that if she is late for a schedule as simple as this again, she will be removed from the JYP family immediately."


Writing is hard. I thought I would be writing more frequently, but then school started kicking in again so I haven't been writing as much. I shall prevail and get through these times. Thanks to everyone who has been reading and everyone who has been patient. Please don't hesitate to give any words of advice!

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