Foundation for Peaceful Living Pt.2

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Min Seo watched with a look of satisfaction as the clearly hungry boys stuffed their faces with her cooking. PD-min had given Min Seo several cookbooks varying in style when she was well settled in the dorm. Her cooking always assuringly tasted as if it were cooked well, but seeing the boys enjoy the food confirmed it. Even Mark came down from the stairs to eat with the rest of the group, although he had a strange look of disapproval written on his face.

Min Seo prepared to say her apology, when she realized that some of the words she wanted to say, she didn't know in Korean. And she didn't want to say her whole apology in English only for Mark, Jackson, BamBam and maybe Youngjae to understand.

Min Seo scooted her away over to Jackson, who was in the middle of slurping his ramen.

"Jackson Oppa..." Jackson's ears perked, hearing Min Seo whisper to him by the honorific that she so rarely used on any of the members, even though he was pretty sure Min Seo was the youngest out of all of them.

Jackson set his chopsticks down on the table. "Need help with something?" Min Seo nodded silently.

"I want to apologize to everyone, but I don't know some of the words in Korean. Can you help me translate?" Min Seo laid a light hand on Jackson's shoulder, causing him to tense up but relax immediately after. Jackson looked to Min Seo and nodded, agreeing to be her translator, although she had no idea what she was about to say.

Min Seo left Jackson's side and stood at the head of the table, catching the attention of some but not all. Min Seo took a deep breath and cleared her throat, pulling the boys' attention away from the food and onto her.

"Everyone, I want to apologize for causing a disturbance ever since I've been here. I want to live here with everyone without causing issues. I'll try really hard to do better avoiding conflicts and making you worry..." Min Seo started her apology strong, but trailed off as she didn't know some of the words she planned to use for her next point. She quickly met Jackson's gaze as he smiled a reassuring smile.
Min Seo said her next few words directly to Jackson, who translated her words from English into Korean.

"My trainee days here will be short. I won't appear before any of you if that's what you wish. I moved here not by choice but by force. I had no idea that this was your home. If you absolutely wish for me to leave, I will pack up my things and ask PD-nim to help me find a hotel." Jackson hesitated to finish off Min Seo's words, but her eyes told him that this must be said. He spoke the last sentence, causing everyone to look at Min Seo with surprise. Min Seo bowed deeply and headed back to the kitchen to clean the dishes she had used to cook breakfast.

The boys went back to eating with a guilty heart, especially Junior for having told Min Seo that PD-nim gave her the week off when such a lie could result in her dismissal. But after watching her working diligently to clean the dishes, his guilt quickly dissipated. It's not that Junior absolutely hated Min Seo; he just saw no purpose or need for her to be under JYP at this time. He felt this way about all other trainees under the company. JYP already has several active groups and singers in production, so creating a new group seemed insufficient. Even Twice just debuted. Why is PD-nim so quick to make another group? This reasoning pushed Junior to act so unkindly towards Min Seo, and he felt little regret in doing so.

Only a few minutes later, the boys leaned back in their chairs, rubbing their filled bellies. It's been weeks since they ate such a full and truly hunger-quenching breakfast. Min Seo hastily collected their plates and bowls, and carried them over to the sink. Youngjae watched Min Seo working so hard clearing  away their mess. He pulled himself away from the table and silently grabbed a dish rag from under the kitchen sink and began drying the dishes in the drying rack and putting them away in their appropriate cabinets.

TraineeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora